Associations to the word «Euler»


EULER, proper noun. Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician and physicist.
EULER CHARACTERISTIC, noun. (topology) (of a topological space) The sum of even-dimensional Betti numbers minus the sum of odd-dimensional ones.
EULER CHARACTERISTICS, noun. Plural of Euler characteristic
EULER DIAGRAM, noun. A diagram representing some sets by contours of closed shapes, typically circles and ellipses, and indicating the relationships between the sets: (1) by overlapping the shapes to show that the corresponding sets have a non-empty intersection, (2) by enclosing one shape entirely within another to show that the former set is a subset of the latter, and/or (3) by showing completely separate shapes to show that neither of these two aforementioned facts applies to the corresponding sets. Also — and unlike for Venn diagrams — there is no restriction on the total number of connected regions (whether simple or not) into which the space of the diagram gets split into by the criss-crossing contours.
EULER METHOD, proper noun. (differential equations) A method for numerically approximating the solution to an ordinary differential equation with a given initial value.

Dictionary definition

EULER, noun. Swiss mathematician (1707-1783).

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Napoleon Bonaparte