Associations to the word «Gone»


GONE, verb. Past participle of go
GONE, adjective. Away, having left.
GONE, adjective. (figuratively) No longer part of the present situation.
GONE, adjective. No longer existing, having passed.
GONE, adjective. Used up.
GONE, adjective. Dead.
GONE, adjective. (colloquial) Intoxicated to the point of being unaware of one's surroundings
GONE, adjective. (colloquial) Excellent; wonderful.
GONE, adjective. (archaic) Ago (used post-positionally).
GONE, preposition. (British) (informal) Past, after, later than (a time).
GONE BACK, verb. Past participle of go back
GONE BAD, verb. Past participle of go bad
GONE BAD, adjective. Of foods and commodities, having become spoiled, rotten, or otherwise unusable due to age or storage conditions.
GONE BAD, adjective. Of a person or entity, having ceased to be reputable and having instead become delinquent, criminal, or poorly behaved.
GONE BAD, adjective. Of a geographic area, having become unsafe.
GONE BATSHIT, verb. Past participle of go batshit
GONE BONKERS, verb. Past participle of go bonkers
GONE BOTH WAYS, verb. Past participle of go both ways
GONE BY, verb. Past participle of go by
GONE COMMANDO, verb. Past participle of go commando
GONE CRAZY, verb. Past participle of go crazy
GONE DEEP, verb. Past participle of go deep
GONE DOWN ON, verb. Past participle of go down on
GONE DOWN THE TUBE, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of go down the tube
GONE DOWN THE WRONG WAY, verb. Past participle of go down the wrong way
GONE DUTCH, verb. Past participle of go Dutch
GONE GAGA OVER, verb. Past participle of go gaga over
GONE HAND IN HAND, verb. Past participle of go hand in hand
GONE HUNGRY, verb. Past participle of go hungry
GONE MISSING, verb. Past participle of go missing
GONE NARROW, verb. Past participle of go narrow
GONE NATIVE, verb. Past participle of go native
GONE NORTH ABOUT, verb. (idiomatic) (obsolete) (nautical) Dead, of sailor or seaman whose cause of death was anything except by drowning.
GONE NORTH ABOUT, verb. (idiomatic) Dead.
GONE NUTS, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of go nuts
GONE OFF, verb. Past participle of go off
GONE OFF THE RESERVATION, verb. Past participle of go off the reservation
GONE ON, verb. Past participle of go on
GONE ON, verb. (chiefly Ireland) infatuated with.
GONE OUT, verb. Past participle of go out
GONE OVER, verb. Past participle of go over
GONE OVER LIKE A LEAD BALLOON, verb. Past participle of go over like a lead balloon
GONE PEAR-SHAPED, verb. Past participle of go pear-shaped
GONE POOF, verb. Past participle of go poof
GONE POSTAL, verb. Past participle of go postal
GONE SNAKE, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of go snake
GONE THE WHOLE HOG, verb. Past participle of go the whole hog
GONE THROUGH WITH, verb. Simple past tense and past participle of go through with
GONE TO BED, verb. Past participle of go to bed
GONE TO GROUND, verb. Past participle of go to ground
GONE TO HELL, verb. Past participle of go to hell
GONE TO POT, verb. Past participle of go to pot
GONE TO SLEEP, verb. Past participle of go to sleep
GONE TO THE BATHROOM, verb. Past participle of go to the bathroom
GONE TO THE DOGS, verb. Past participle of go to the dogs
GONE TO TOWN, verb. Past participle of go to town
GONE TOGETHER, verb. Past participle of go together
GONE UNDER, verb. Past participle of go under
GONE WIDE, verb. Past participle of go wide
GONE WITH THE WIND, adjective. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) (poetic) dead

Dictionary definition

GONE, adjective. Destroyed or killed; "we are gone geese".
GONE, adjective. Dead; "he is deceased"; "our dear departed friend".
GONE, adjective. Well in the past; former; "bygone days"; "dreams of foregone times"; "sweet memories of gone summers"; "relics of a departed era".
GONE, adjective. No longer retained; "gone with the wind".

Wise words

Words, words, words! They shut one off from the universe. Three quarters of the time one's never in contact with things, only with the beastly words that stand for them.
Aldous Huxley