Associations to the word «Sexually»


SEXUALLY, adverb. In a sexual manner: erotically.
SEXUALLY, adverb. With respect to sex (either of the two divisions of organisms).
SEXUALLY, adverb. With respect to sexual intercourse.
SEXUALLY, adverb. By means of sexual intercourse.
SEXUALLY ANOREXIC, adjective. Of, pertaining to or having sexual anorexia
SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED, adjective. Suffering from sexual frustration.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE, noun. (disease) Any of various diseases that are usually contracted through sexual contact.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES, noun. Plural of sexually transmitted disease
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTION, noun. (disease) A sexually transmitted disease, with or without symptoms.
SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, noun. Plural of sexually transmitted infection

Dictionary definition

SEXUALLY, adverb. With respect to sexuality; "sexually ambiguous".
SEXUALLY, adverb. By sexual means; "reproduce sexually".

Wise words

The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.