Associations to the word «Unwanted»
- Pregnancy
- Abortion
- Harassment
- Intrusion
- Impurity
- Coercion
- Advance
- Suitor
- Remove
- Leakage
- Filter
- Contaminant
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Distortion
- Interference
- Pest
- Intruder
- Vomiting
- Abstinence
- Oscillation
- Landfill
- Signal
- Weeds
- Rape
- Suppression
- Attention
- Amplifier
- Noise
- Blocking
- Contamination
- Vibration
- Additive
- Oscillator
- Publicity
- Mixer
- Removal
- Polarization
- Fertility
- Pesticide
- Fetus
- Embryo
- Dosage
- Behavior
- Pet
- Recycling
- Sender
- Privacy
- Capacitor
- Disposal
- Trash
- Homosexuality
- Weed
- Kitten
- Reject
- Feedback
- Perspiration
- Stigma
- Frequency
- Effect
- Selectivity
UNWANTED, adjective. Not wanted, welcome or acceptable
UNWANTED, noun. One who or that which is not wanted; an undesirable.
Dictionary definition
UNWANTED, adjective. Not wanted; not needed; "tried to give away unwanted kittens".
UNWANTED, adjective. Not wanted; "undesirable impurities in steel"; "legislation excluding undesirable aliens";"removed the unwanted vegetation".
Wise words
Truthful words are not beautiful; beautiful words are not
truthful. Good words are not persuasive; persuasive words
are not good.