Associations to the word «Santiago»


SANTIAGO, proper noun. The capital city of Chile
SANTIAGO, proper noun. Santiago de Compostela, a city in Galicia, Spain
SANTIAGO DE CHILE, proper noun. Santiago, the capital city of Chile
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, proper noun. A historical and holy city in Galicia, Spain.

Dictionary definition

SANTIAGO, noun. City in the northern Dominican Republic.
SANTIAGO, noun. A port city in southeastern Cuba; industrial center.
SANTIAGO, noun. The capital and largest city of Chile; located in central Chile; one of the largest cities in South America.
SANTIAGO, noun. A naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the United States fleet bottled up the Spanish ships in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba and destroyed them when they tried to escape.

Wise words

Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.