Associations to the word «Zaragoza»
- Aragon
- Ignacio
- Bilbao
- Puebla
- Valencia
- Real
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Federico
- Seville
- Salamanca
- Spain
- Guadalajara
- Navarre
- Cf
- Alfonso
- Toledo
- Granada
- Rey
- Emir
- Charlemagne
- Oaxaca
- Castile
- Catalonia
- Expo
- Campo
- Cortes
- Sancho
- Cid
- Valle
- Abd
- Cb
- Felipe
- Iberia
- Javier
- Herrera
- Relegation
- Fernando
- Basilica
- Miguel
- Hidalgo
- Musa
- Alonso
- Municipality
- Caliphate
- Del
- Rahman
- Asturias
- Pablo
- Guadalupe
- Pyrenees
- Palma
- Rodrigo
- Guerrero
- José
- Corona
- Unesco
- Ramon
- Romero
- Navarro
- Santiago
- Siege
- Laguna
- Domingo
- Province
- Riva
- Manuel
- Parenthesis
- Toulouse
- Juan
- Pillar
- Paz
- La
- Archbishop
- Galicia
- Archdiocese
- Pedro
- Luis
- Arroyo
- Setup
- Alvarez
- Guillermo
- Gustavo
- Midfielder
- Maestro
ZARAGOZA, proper noun. The capital city of the region of Aragon, in Spain.
Dictionary definition
ZARAGOZA, noun. An ancient city on the Ebro River in northeastern Spain; formerly the capital of Aragon.
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.