Associations to the word «Vidal»
- Gore
- Arturo
- Blanc
- Janice
- Cebu
- Myra
- Bane
- Valle
- Ricardo
- Javier
- Burr
- Winery
- Niall
- Rodrigo
- Ava
- Mariano
- Esquire
- Buckley
- Essayist
- Christina
- Emilio
- Marin
- Geographer
- Gonzalo
- Bayern
- Rafael
- Armando
- Molina
- Pierre
- Ernesto
- José
- Grape
- Pablo
- Laurent
- Ignacio
- Nina
- Ortiz
- Gonzalez
- Manuel
- Romani
- Duluth
- Truman
- Felipe
- Mustang
- Enrique
- Santiago
- Austen
- Henri
- Julian
- Alonso
- Amnesia
- Sb
- Mach
- Franc
- Carlos
- Lisa
- Gilles
- Burroughs
- Luis
- Elena
- Eduardo
- Filipinos
- Pau
- Barcelona
- Marcos
- Tanya
- Guillermo
- Ramon
- Jorge
- Toulouse
- Martinez
- Stench
- Corey
- Mage
- Juan
- Mathias
- Alberto
- Jill
- Marta
- Walpole
- Ari
- Pinto
- Porn
- Bayer
- Composure
- Andre
- Novelist
- Vittorio
- Vineyard
Dictionary definition
VIDAL, noun. United States writer (born in 1925).
Wise words
Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking
creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.