Associations to the word «Nina»
- Simone
- Hagen
- Leonid
- Blackwood
- Heidi
- Oleg
- Yuri
- Elena
- Hartley
- Hoffman
- Nino
- Kathryn
- Nikolai
- Leningrad
- Sergei
- Madeline
- Conti
- Billie
- Mikhail
- Irina
- Vera
- Vidal
- Antonia
- Werewolf
- Alexei
- Silas
- Mae
- Boris
- Tamara
- Natalia
- Garcia
- Olivia
- Typhoon
- Lev
- Wesley
- Eileen
- Hive
- Judges
- Nikita
- Vladimir
- Diva
- Olga
- Michelle
- Natalie
- Easton
- Walpole
- Prem
- Lori
- Zoe
- Phillip
- Porn
- Myers
- Jacobson
- Sonia
- Wilcox
- Rebecca
- Ivan
- Reeves
- Shapiro
- Wan
- Salvatore
- Coco
- Katherine
- Igor
- Patti
- Girlfriend
- Sinatra
- Mona
- Boyfriend
- Ellington
- Sasha
- Ella
- Lola
- Anastasia
- Verandah
- Damon
- Diane
- Benny
- Anna
- Scully
- Pianist
- Lionel
- Jew
- Discus
- Lara
- Carla
- Cortex
- Nicole
- Actress
- Levine
- Eurovision
- Tracing
- Elle
- Guthrie
- Claudia
- Jill
NINA, proper noun. A female given name in continuous use since the 19th century.
NINA, proper noun. The Babylonian goddess of the watery deep, daughter of Ea.
NINA, noun. (finance) A NINA loan.
NINA LOAN, noun. (finance) A mortgage loan to a borrower with no verified or stated income or assets.
NINA LOAN, noun. A mortgage loan to a borrower with no income or assets.
NINA ROSS, noun. (slang) A playing card with the rank of nine
NINA ROSS, noun. (slang) A hand in lowball poker where the highest card is a nine
NINA ROSS, noun. (slang) A 9mm handgun
Dictionary definition
NINA, noun. The Babylonian goddess of the watery deep and daughter of Ea.
Wise words
One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and
in fewer words than prose.