Associations to the word «Nina»


NINA, proper noun. A female given name in continuous use since the 19th century.
NINA, proper noun. The Babylonian goddess of the watery deep, daughter of Ea.
NINA, noun. (finance) A NINA loan.
NINA LOAN, noun. (finance) A mortgage loan to a borrower with no verified or stated income or assets.
NINA LOAN, noun. A mortgage loan to a borrower with no income or assets.
NINA ROSS, noun. (slang) A playing card with the rank of nine
NINA ROSS, noun. (slang) A hand in lowball poker where the highest card is a nine
NINA ROSS, noun. (slang) A 9mm handgun

Dictionary definition

NINA, noun. The Babylonian goddess of the watery deep and daughter of Ea.

Wise words

One merit of poetry few persons will deny: it says more and in fewer words than prose.