Associations to the word «Walpole»
- Horace
- Horatio
- Whig
- Strawberry
- Anecdote
- Houghton
- Montagu
- Chesterfield
- Excise
- Jacobite
- Boswell
- Exchequer
- Marlborough
- Eton
- Tori
- Fielding
- Norfolk
- Robert
- Hugh
- Peerage
- Bellow
- Satire
- Gardening
- Earl
- Reeve
- Hume
- Radcliffe
- Mann
- Norwood
- Rowley
- Argyll
- Chatham
- Sunderland
- Romanticism
- Devonshire
- Hampshire
- Voltaire
- Prime
- Wharton
- Swift
- Gibbon
- Memoir
- Ode
- Addison
- Spencer
- Goldsmith
- Pitt
- Correspondence
- Gray
- Fortitude
- Elegy
- Rousseau
- Correspondent
- Tory
- Crawley
- Epistle
- Duchess
- Compton
- Sir
- Downfall
- Newcastle
- Forgery
- Viscount
- Statesman
- Treasury
- Granville
- Bromley
- Grub
- Wit
- Romance
- Novelist
- Conway
- Wilkes
- Burke
- Baron
- Cecil
- Grafton
- Vidal
- Seymour
- Mansfield
- Minister
- Eyre
- Beggar
- Footnote
- Walton
- Letter
WALPOLE, proper noun. An English habitational surname from either of two places in Norfolk and Suffolk.
WALPOLE, proper noun. Horace Walpole, 4th Earl of Orford, English politician and writer.
WALPOLE, proper noun. The name of several towns or cities.
Dictionary definition
WALPOLE, noun. English writer and historian; son of Sir Robert Walpole (1717-1797).
WALPOLE, noun. Englishman and Whig statesman who (under George I) was effectively the first British prime minister (1676-1745).
Wise words
Words - so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing
in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in
the hands of one who knows how to combine them.