Associations to the word «Devonshire»
- Cavendish
- Duchess
- Dorset
- Devon
- Duke
- Exeter
- Piccadilly
- Cornwall
- Derbyshire
- Yeomanry
- Marquess
- Gloucestershire
- Cougar
- Wiltshire
- Burlington
- Cream
- Gentry
- Regiment
- Somerset
- Domesday
- Earl
- Berkshire
- Cider
- Pembroke
- Deborah
- Plymouth
- Barony
- Vc
- Bess
- Dowager
- Heiress
- Wessex
- Raleigh
- Landau
- Spencer
- Hms
- Downs
- Walpole
- Whig
- Compton
- Unionist
- Chamberlain
- Battalion
- Salisbury
- Granville
- Barrow
- Warwick
- Balfour
- Eldest
- Manor
- Peerage
- Rutland
- Newcastle
- Middlesex
- Curate
- Carlisle
- Fusilier
- Louisa
- Boyle
- Fitzroy
- Foreman
- Boswell
- Gower
- Evelyn
- William
- Bedford
- Clyde
- Colt
- Lords
- Cruiser
- Temp
- Pollard
- Gardener
- Terrace
- Churchyard
- Northumberland
- Shropshire
- Baronet
- Yorkshire
- Derby
- Atlantis
DEVONSHIRE, proper noun. The former (pre 1974) name for the county of Devon, England.
DEVONSHIRE STEW, noun. A stew of meat, onion, cabbage, etc.
DEVONSHIRE TEA, noun. A cream tea as traditionally served in Devon.
DEVONSHIRE TEAS, noun. Plural of Devonshire tea
Dictionary definition
DEVONSHIRE, noun. A county in southwestern England.
Wise words
The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two
words when one will do.