Associations to the word «Addison»
- Wesley
- Steele
- Cato
- Dryden
- Spectator
- Essayist
- Lancelot
- Ma
- Hammersmith
- Swift
- Kensington
- Harlow
- Richards
- Vermont
- Rutland
- Redwood
- Hutton
- Naomi
- Reading
- Goldsmith
- Champlain
- Pearson
- Whig
- Emery
- Anemia
- Walpole
- Gibbon
- Milton
- Coleridge
- Marlborough
- Fielding
- Gland
- Automaton
- Essay
- Roscoe
- Ley
- Olympia
- Atari
- Joseph
- Cor
- Daryl
- Pleasant
- Diabetes
- Sloan
- Publishing
- Arthritis
- Montgomery
- Kimball
- Disease
- Pope
- Walsh
- Philips
- Gardiner
- Ripley
- Satire
- Montagu
- Mass
- Wes
- Iliad
- Randall
- Professional
- Periodical
- Adele
- Optic
- Derek
- Wellness
- Niles
- Viscount
- Hormone
- Cortex
- Unicode
- Locke
- Irving
- Deficiency
- Wentworth
- Amelia
- Wit
- Eustace
- Epilogue
- Meredith
- Dallas
- Porter
- Doug
- Bournemouth
- Boston
- Prologue
- Pratt
- Computation
- Bain
- Shortstop
- Texas
- Cicero
- Magdalen
ADDISON, proper noun. A surname.
ADDISON, proper noun. A male given name transferred from the surname.
ADDISON, proper noun. A female given name popular in the 2000s, following Alison and Madison.
Wise words
Wisdom does not show itself so much in precept as in life -
in firmness of mind and a mastery of appetite. It teaches us
to do, as well as talk, and to make our words and actions
all of a color.