Associations to the word «Pitt»
- Dirk
- Loren
- Brad
- Crawley
- Gunn
- Chatham
- Meadows
- Rivers
- Angelina
- Whig
- Ingrid
- Throttle
- Egan
- Canning
- Levant
- Walpole
- Hangar
- Bouquet
- Kellogg
- Pittsburgh
- Panther
- Greenville
- Jessie
- Silt
- Binocular
- Stacy
- Clive
- Windshield
- Cyclops
- Amherst
- Emancipation
- Exchequer
- Iceberg
- Canister
- Dive
- Fort
- Devonshire
- Younger
- Allegheny
- Bulkhead
- Becky
- Hester
- Detonation
- Flashlight
- Helicopter
- Fox
- Cornwallis
- Hiram
- Grin
- Cockpit
- Darius
- Saber
- Railing
- Maple
- Kern
- Crewman
- William
- Cree
- Smallpox
- Salvage
- Augustus
- Burke
- Manny
- Rotor
- Diaz
- Acc
- Statesman
- Stairway
- Commoner
- Malley
- Folder
- Grafton
- Forbes
- Backyard
- Tory
- Sonar
- Shannon
- Passageway
PITT, proper noun. An English topographical surname for someone who lived by, or operated a pit or mine.
Dictionary definition
PITT, noun. A British playwright who created the fictional character Sweeney Todd (1799-1855).
PITT, noun. English statesman and son of Pitt the Elder (1759-1806).
PITT, noun. English statesman who brought the Seven Years' War to an end (1708-1778).
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.