Associations to the word «Sb»
- Pb
- Avg
- Sn
- Hr
- Rbi
- Bb
- Ag
- Cu
- Triple
- Nike
- Batting
- Bi
- Ge
- Rb
- Strikeout
- Cr
- Ab
- Tb
- Wr
- Nd
- Sm
- Mcmahon
- Br
- Ga
- Cathode
- Deg
- Argonaut
- Fe
- Cl
- Ni
- Ir
- Te
- Hawthorne
- Se
- Mo
- Bomber
- Tko
- Honolulu
- Mg
- Ce
- Choke
- Ba
- Yr
- Nr
- Vox
- Ransom
- Levine
- Na
- Double
- Vidal
- Pr
- Digestion
- Winnipeg
- Dm
- Monoplane
- Sc
- Ps
- Pt
- Seawater
- Sg
- Rp
- Base
- Ru
- Agonist
- Mt
- Antagonist
- Eu
- Ig
- Ta
- Keyword
- Tc
- Clermont
- Serotonin
- Glider
- Cb
- Chronicles
- Stan
- Dl
- Ti
- H2o
- Submission
- Rn
- Arizona
- Asa
- Edmonton
- Bedford
- Ref
- Marin
- Alloy
- Calgary
- Chromatography
- Sw
- Db
SB, symbol. (element symbol) Symbol for antimony.
SB, abbreviation. Somebody.
SB, symbol. The ISO 3166-1 two-letter (alpha-2) code for Solomon Islands.
SB, symbol. The ISO 3166-2:ID code for the Indonesian province of Sumatera Barat.
SB, abbreviation. (electronics) (communication) sideband
Dictionary definition
SB, noun. A metallic element having four allotropic forms; used in a wide variety of alloys; found in stibnite.
SB, noun. A bachelor's degree in science.
Wise words
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a
kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to
turn a life around.