Associations to the word «Nationwide»
- Detention
- Protest
- Total
- Sponsorship
- Viewer
- Newspaper
- Math
- Nike
- Healthcare
- Racing
- Audition
- Canton
- Newsletter
- Notoriety
- Employee
- Initiate
- Telecom
- Insurance
- Recession
- Store
- Publicity
- Customer
- Klan
- Affiliate
- Location
- Sadler
- Sirius
- Agency
- Atm
- Implement
- Newscast
- Plurality
- Gilles
- Restaurant
- Fcc
- Strike
- Headline
- Outreach
- Greyhound
- Larson
- Client
- Ban
- Institution
- Prohibition
- Airing
- Veteran
- Fax
- Shortage
- Truck
- Wal
- Vote
- Sanders
- Abs
- Sponsor
- Blackout
- Thousand
- Grocery
- Undergraduate
- Ceasefire
- Demonstration
- Fundraising
- Campaign
- Vaccination
- Educator
- Magnet
- Libertarian
- Lawsuit
- Popularity
- Watkins
- Primary
- Medicare
- Mafia
- Dozen
- Unrest
- Toyota
- Competition
- Cebu
- Carnegie
- Arena
NATIONWIDE, adjective. Extending throughout an entire nation.
NATIONWIDE, adverb. Throughout a nation.
Dictionary definition
NATIONWIDE, adverb. Extending throughout an entire nation; "nationally advertised"; "it was broadcast nationwide".
NATIONWIDE, adjective. Occurring or extending throughout a country or nation; "the event aroused nationwide interest"; "a countrywide fund-raising campaign".
Wise words
Where words fail, music speaks.