Associations to the word «Knock»

Pictures for the word «Knock»


KNOCK, noun. An abrupt rapping sound, as from an impact of a hard object against wood
KNOCK, noun. An impact.
KNOCK, noun. (figurative) criticism
KNOCK, noun. (cricket) a batsman's innings.
KNOCK, noun. (automotive) Preignition, a type of abnormal combustion occurring in spark ignition engines caused by self-ignition or the characteristic knocking sound associated with it.
KNOCK, verb. (intransitive) To rap one's knuckles against something, especially wood.
KNOCK, verb. (transitive) (dated) To strike for admittance; to rap upon, as a door.
KNOCK, verb. (ambitransitive) (dated) To bump or impact.
KNOCK, verb. (colloquial) To denigrate, undervalue.
KNOCK, verb. (soccer) To pass, kick a ball towards another player.
KNOCK, verb. (slang) (dated) (UK) To impress strongly or forcibly; to astonish; to move to admiration or applause.
KNOCK ABOUT, noun. An informal game, usually football
KNOCK ABOUT, verb. To spend time with someone as a friend
KNOCK ABOUT, verb. To do a relaxing activity.
KNOCK ABOUT, verb. To be in an unknown place.
KNOCK ABOUT, verb. To hit someone, or behave violently towards them.
KNOCK ABOUTS, noun. Plural of knock about
KNOCK ANTHONY, verb. (idiomatic) (1811) Said of an in-kneed person, or one whose knees knock together; to cuff Jonas.
KNOCK AROUND, verb. To spend time with someone as a friend
KNOCK AROUND, verb. To do a relaxing activity.
KNOCK AROUND, verb. To be in an unknown place.
KNOCK AROUND, verb. To hit someone, or behave violently towards them.
KNOCK BACK, verb. (transitive) To stun; to surprise.
KNOCK BACK, verb. (transitive) To drink an alcoholic beverage swiftly or often.
KNOCK BACK, verb. (transitive) (UK) (Australian) To reject; to refuse.
KNOCK BACK, verb. (transitive) (baking) To press or knead (dough) so as to remove air bubbles.
KNOCK BOOTS, verb. (slang) (euphemistic) To have sexual intercourse.
KNOCK BOX, noun. A small container usually provided with a bar used to empty espresso grounds by pounding a portafilter against the sides or the bar.
KNOCK BOXES, noun. Plural of knock box
KNOCK DOWN, verb. (transitive) To hit or knock (something), intentionally or accidentally, so that it falls
KNOCK DOWN, verb. (transitive) To demolish.
KNOCK DOWN, verb. (transitive) At an auction, to declare (something) sold with a blow from the gavel.
KNOCK DOWN, verb. (transitive) (informal) To reduce the price of.
KNOCK DOWN, verb. To drink fast
KNOCK DOWN, verb. (transitive) (usually passive) To disassemble for shipment.
KNOCK DOWN GINGER, noun. (UK) The prank of knocking on somebody's front door and running away before it is opened.
KNOCK FOR A LOOP, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To astonish; to stagger or overwhelm; to confuse or disorient.
KNOCK INTO A COCKED HAT, verb. Completely nullify, overthrow, demolish, or otherwise defeat an idea, proposition, or argument.
KNOCK IT OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To stop doing something; desist.
KNOCK KNEE, noun. The medical condition genu valgum
KNOCK KNOCK, noun. Knock-knock joke
KNOCK KNOCK, interjection. (colloquial) (often childish) A phrase used to introduce a "knock knock joke"
KNOCK KNOCK, interjection. (colloquial) (often childish) A phrase used in lieu of knocking (e.g. on the door), when it is not possible to knock.
KNOCK KNOCK JOKE, noun. Alternative spelling of knock-knock joke
KNOCK KNOCK JOKES, noun. Plural of knock knock joke
KNOCK KNOCKS, noun. Plural of knock knock
KNOCK OFF, noun. Alternative form of knockoff
KNOCK OFF, noun. A device in a knitting machine to remove loops from the needles.
KNOCK OFF, verb. Used other than as an idiom: see knock,‎ off.
KNOCK OFF, verb. (transitive) To bump or hit so that something falls off
KNOCK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) (intransitive) To quit; stop doing work or other activity. The term originated from the practice aboard slave galleys to have a man beat time for the rowers by knocking on a block or drum; when he stopped, the rowers could rest.
KNOCK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To kill someone
KNOCK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To reduce or remove
KNOCK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To rob.
KNOCK OFF, verb. (transitive) To make a copy of, as of a design.
KNOCK OFF, verb. (transitive) To assign (an item) to a bidder at an auction, indicated by knocking on the counter.
KNOCK OFF SOMEONE'S BLOCK, verb. Alternative form of knock someone's block off
KNOCK ON, verb. (ambitransitive) (rugby) to commit a foul by knocking the ball forward.
KNOCK ON THE HEAD, verb. (transitive) To put an end to; to defeat or frustrate (a scheme or project).
KNOCK ON WOOD, verb. (idiomatic) (US) To take a customary action to ward off some misfortune that is believed to be attracted by a presumptuous statement.
KNOCK ON WOOD, verb. (idiomatic) (US) A self-directive to undertake the customary action to ward off bad luck.
KNOCK ONESELF OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To go ahead; to do as one pleases
KNOCK ONESELF OUT, verb. (idiomatic) (in the imperative) to grant permission for or to give endorsement of a suggestion or proposal, especially when the speaker is not interested in its outcome.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (transitive) To strike or bump (someone or something) out.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To render unconscious, as by a blow to the head.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To put to sleep.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To exhaust.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To complete, especially in haste; knock off.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (transitive) (idiomatic) To cause a mechanism to become non-functional by damaging or destroying it.
KNOCK OUT, verb. (sports) To eliminate.
KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX, verb. (baseball) To cause a pitcher to be replaced by heavy hitting.
KNOCK OUT OF THE BOX, verb. (idiomatic) To cause something to be replaced by something else.
KNOCK OVER, verb. To bump or strike something in such a way as to tip it
KNOCK OVER, verb. (slang) (idiomatic) To rob; to stage a heist
KNOCK SOME SENSE INTO, verb. (idiomatic) to reprimand or attempt to reform someone vigorously
KNOCK SOMEONE OFF HIS PERCH, verb. (idiomatic) To defeat or overcome someone who was in a dominant position.
KNOCK SOMEONE'S BLOCK OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To strike a person in the head, causing him to fall to the ground, especially in an unconscious condition; to beat up a person.
KNOCK SOMEONE'S SOCKS OFF, verb. (idiomatic) To impress greatly; amaze; stun.
KNOCK THE DAYLIGHT OUT OF, verb. Alternative form of beat the daylights out of
KNOCK THE DAYLIGHTS OUT OF, verb. Alternative form of knock the living daylights out of
KNOCK THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF, verb. (idiomatic) To beat or strike someone.
KNOCK THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF, verb. (idiomatic) To thoroughly and decisively defeat someone in a physical fight, especially by knocking out that person.
KNOCK THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF, verb. (figurative) To greatly excel against (someone or something).
KNOCK THE PERSIMMON, verb. (US) (especially Southern US) (dated) To succeed; to obtain success.
KNOCK THE WIND OUT OF SOMEONE'S SAILS, verb. Alternative form of take the wind out of someone's sails
KNOCK TOGETHER, verb. (idiomatic) To assemble something quickly; to knock up.
KNOCK UNDER, verb. (intransitive) (dated) To yield; to submit; to acknowledge oneself conquered.
KNOCK UP, verb. (colloquial) To put together, fabricate, or assemble, particularly if done hastily or temporarily. See also knock together. [from 16th c.]
KNOCK UP, verb. (British) To awaken (someone) as by knocking at the door; rouse; call; summon; also, to go door-to-door on election day to persuade a candidate's supporters to go to the polling station and vote. See also knocker up. [from 17th c.]
KNOCK UP, verb. (dated) To exhaust; wear out; weary; beat; tire out; to fatigue until unable to do more. [from 18th c.]
KNOCK UP, verb. (dated) (intransitive) To become exhausted or worn out; to fail of strength; to become wearied, as with labor; to give out. [from 18th c.]
KNOCK UP, verb. (slang) To impregnate, especially out of wedlock. See knocked up. [from 19th c.]
KNOCK UP, verb. (racket sports) (intransitive) To gently hit the ball back and forth before a tennis match, as practice or warm-up, and to gauge the state of the playing surface, lighting, etc. See knock-up. [from 19th c.]
KNOCK UP, verb. (bookbinding) To make even at the edges, or to shape into book form.
KNOCK WOOD, verb. Alternative form of knock on wood

Dictionary definition

KNOCK, noun. The sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing); "the knocking grew louder".
KNOCK, noun. Negative criticism.
KNOCK, noun. A vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head".
KNOCK, noun. A bad experience; "the school of hard knocks".
KNOCK, noun. The act of hitting vigorously; "he gave the table a whack".
KNOCK, verb. Deliver a sharp blow or push :"He knocked the glass clear across the room".
KNOCK, verb. Rap with the knuckles; "knock on the door".
KNOCK, verb. Knock against with force or violence; "My car bumped into the tree".
KNOCK, verb. Make light, repeated taps on a surface; "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently".
KNOCK, verb. Sound like a car engine that is firing too early; "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"; "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded".
KNOCK, verb. Find fault with; express criticism of; point out real or perceived flaws; "The paper criticized the new movie"; "Don't knock the food--it's free".

Wise words

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.
Florence Scovel Shinn