Associations to the word «Pore»
- Skin
- Adsorption
- Membrane
- Tome
- Gel
- Silica
- Diffusion
- Perspiration
- Selectivity
- Filtration
- Subunit
- Parchment
- Spore
- Conductivity
- Underside
- Saturation
- Scroll
- Mushroom
- Diameter
- Aggregate
- Vesicle
- Electrolyte
- Scaffold
- Infiltration
- Particle
- Toxin
- Packing
- Molecule
- Monomer
- Ion
- Trask
- Potassium
- Cellulose
- Radius
- Map
- Sponge
- Vapour
- Retention
- Polymer
- Condensation
- M2
- Germ
- Sweat
- Template
- Soil
- Filter
- Evaporation
- Fluid
- Slit
- Lipid
- Catalyst
- Septum
- Groundwater
- Helix
- Liquid
- Lm
- Forming
- Gradient
- Viscosity
- Apoptosis
- Mem
- Moisture
- Clade
- Feller
- Pollen
- Anion
- Vapor
- Void
PORE, noun. A tiny opening in the skin.
PORE, noun. By extension any small opening or interstice, especially one of many or allowing passage of a fluid.
PORE, verb. To study meticulously; to go over again and again.
PORE, verb. To meditate or reflect in a steady way.
PORE OVER, verb. To examine something (especially written material) carefully and attentively
PORE SPACE, noun. (geology) All the pores in a rock; the volume of such pores
PORE SPACES, noun. Plural of pore space
Dictionary definition
PORE, noun. Any tiny hole admitting passage of a liquid (fluid or gas).
PORE, noun. Any small opening in the skin or outer surface of an animal.
PORE, noun. A minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass.
PORE, verb. Direct one's attention on something; "Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies".
Wise words
Trust only movement. Life happens at the level of events,
not of words. Trust movement.