Associations to the word «Scranton»
- Northeast
- Linden
- Hockey
- Buffalo
- Newark
- Bertram
- Watershed
- Rochester
- Keystone
- Brook
- Downing
- Siren
- Moderate
- Wick
- Expressway
- Courthouse
- Sawmill
- Karen
- Uhf
- Aug
- Providence
- Batter
- Luna
- Pennant
- Furnace
- Louisville
- Bellow
- Jim
- Andy
- Streetcar
- Paterson
- Stint
- Avenue
- Fundraising
- Fischer
- Jersey
- Benefactor
- Sock
- Correspondence
- Quad
- Phyllis
- Lancaster
- Stanton
- Congressman
- Toyota
- Milwaukee
- Lang
- Toledo
- Lynx
- Commuter
- Albany
- Chandler
- Vermont
- Libel
- Wilmington
- Barrett
- Roster
- Byron
- Warehouse
- Hometown
- Laird
- Republican
- Redevelopment
- Playoff
- Cornelius
- Strikeout
- Ransom
- Amtrak
- Dalton
- Inning
- Bishop
- Nay
- Stafford
- Governor
- Mall
- Norfolk
- Monroe
- League
- Gorge
- Bully
- Lace
- Campus
- Candidacy
Dictionary definition
SCRANTON, noun. An industrial city of northeastern Pennsylvania.
Wise words
A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time
as the bullets go flying through space.