Associations to the word «Tanner»
- Roscoe
- Elsie
- Shoemaker
- Doc
- Alain
- Sadie
- Evan
- Haydn
- Dyer
- Sandra
- Deane
- Tailor
- Blacksmith
- Bree
- Lori
- Lds
- Chuck
- Libby
- Ufc
- Weaver
- Jericho
- Roi
- Coronation
- Puberty
- Stephanie
- Lindsay
- Myra
- Welles
- Leather
- Caine
- Butcher
- Borg
- Mildred
- Carpenter
- Dix
- Elaine
- Lenny
- Weekly
- Brigham
- Jak
- Glover
- Clements
- Maguire
- Ashe
- Heather
- Carolyn
- Michelle
- Stella
- Utah
- Graph
- Rita
- Barclay
- Sparks
- Crab
- Riley
- Mcbride
- Antiquary
- Vat
- Bark
- Dennis
- Parity
- Jingle
- Fuller
- Travis
- Vegas
- Hewitt
- Latham
- Decker
- Ogden
- Len
- Counselor
- Weiss
- Tan
- Willie
- Tko
- Lauren
- Apprentice
- Mckenzie
- Phoenix
- Whistling
- Phillip
- Liza
- Salamander
- Olsen
- Maker
- Electro
- Eileen
- Erin
- Pam
- Jade
- Basalt
- Pearson
TANNER, noun. A person whose occupation is to tan hides, or convert them into leather by the use of tan.
TANNER, noun. (British) (colloquial) A former British coin, worth six old pence
TANNER, adjective. Comparative form of tan: more tan.
TANNER, proper noun. An occupational surname for a tanner.
TANNER, proper noun. A male given name, modern transferred use of the surname.
Dictionary definition
TANNER, noun. A small coin of the United Kingdom worth six pennies; not minted since 1970.
TANNER, noun. A craftsman who tans skins and hides.
Wise words
All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast
of the mind.