Associations to the word «Fuller»


FULLER, adjective. Comparative form of full: more full
FULLER, noun. A person who fulls cloth.
FULLER, noun. A convex, rounded or grooved tool, used by blacksmiths for shaping metal.
FULLER, noun. A groove made by such a tool (in the blade of a sword etc.).
FULLER, verb. (transitive) To form a groove or channel in, by a fuller or set hammer.
FULLER, proper noun. An occupational surname​ for a person who fulls cloth.

Dictionary definition

FULLER, noun. United States jurist and chief justice of the United States Supreme Court (1833-1910).
FULLER, noun. United States architect who invented the geodesic dome (1895-1983).
FULLER, noun. A workman who fulls (cleans and thickens) freshly woven cloth for a living.

Wise words

Suit the action to the word, the word to the action.
William Shakespeare