Associations to the word «Shoemaker»
- Tailor
- Blacksmith
- Levy
- Eros
- Comet
- Grocer
- Hoard
- Tanner
- Shopkeeper
- Carpenter
- Butcher
- Weaver
- Jupiter
- Tradesman
- Carolyn
- Shoe
- Merle
- Dekker
- Jockey
- Leather
- Apprentice
- Asteroid
- Artisan
- Craftsman
- Elf
- Eugene
- Schoolmaster
- Dyer
- Spacecraft
- Astronomer
- Maker
- Barber
- Draper
- Alcoholic
- Boot
- Discoverer
- Innkeeper
- Crater
- Garret
- Guild
- Geologist
- Shop
- Baker
- Landlord
- Racetrack
- Boots
- Rowley
- Sandal
- Trade
- Wax
- Goldsmith
- Brad
- Grocery
- Glover
- Willie
- Farmer
- Galileo
- Tyler
- Gardener
- Folklore
- Meteor
- Slipper
- Sawmill
- Eyre
- Wainwright
- Occupation
- Collision
- Observatory
- Voyager
- Rendezvous
- Apron
- Tavern
- Stocking
- Cooper
- Vaughn
- Skinner
- Bookseller
- Celeste
- Informer
- Hitchcock
- Holiday
- Boise
- Trainer
- Telescope
- Dealer
- Spinner
- Harness
- Nasa
- Stretcher
SHOEMAKER, noun. A person who makes shoes
SHOEMAKER, noun. The threadfish.
SHOEMAKER, noun. A fish, Elagatis pinnulatis, the runner.
SHOEMAKER, proper noun. A surname.
Dictionary definition
SHOEMAKER, noun. A person who makes or repairs shoes.
Wise words
Every once in a while, you let a word or phrase out and you
want to catch it and bring it back. You can't do that. It's
gone, gone forever.