Associations to the word «Counselor»


COUNSELOR, noun. A professional who counsels people, especially on personal problems.
COUNSELOR, noun. A licensed and professionally trained counselor.
COUNSELOR, noun. (education) A school counselor, often in a specialty such as careers, education, or health.
COUNSELOR, noun. (legal) A counselor, counsellor, counselor-at-law or counsellor-at-law is an attorney.
COUNSELOR, noun. (politics) A high ranking diplomat, usually just below an ambassador or minister.
COUNSELOR, noun. (leisure) A children’s supervisor, usually at camp.

Dictionary definition

COUNSELOR, noun. Someone who gives advice about problems.
COUNSELOR, noun. Someone who has supervisory duties at a summer camp.
COUNSELOR, noun. A lawyer who pleads cases in court.

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin