Associations to the word «Lake»
- Champlain
- Erie
- Huron
- Boating
- Shoreline
- Portage
- Lac
- Trout
- Utah
- Shore
- Superior
- Reservoir
- Wetland
- Como
- Headwater
- Chad
- Pond
- Sturgeon
- Malawi
- Dam
- Swamp
- Duluth
- Carp
- Cree
- Watershed
- Waterway
- Swan
- Constance
- Niagara
- Catfish
- Catchment
- Basin
- Perch
- Buena
- Eyre
- Crater
- Drainage
- Ontario
- Yellowstone
- Laguna
- Sediment
- Glacier
- Drain
- Fishing
- Silt
- Canoeing
- Seneca
- Bog
- Overflow
- Lagoon
- Geneva
- Campsite
- Michigan
- Camping
- Recreation
- Moose
- Outlet
- Steamboat
- Cumbria
- Canoe
- Cedar
- Waterfall
- Confluence
- Ut
- Tributary
- Marsh
- River
- Isthmus
- Creek
- Groundwater
- Rift
- Shallow
Pictures for the word «Lake»
LAKE, noun. (now chiefly dialectal) A small stream of running water; a channel for water; a drain.
LAKE, noun. A large, landlocked stretch of water.
LAKE, noun. A large amount of liquid; as, a wine lake.
LAKE, noun. (obsolete) An offering, sacrifice, gift.
LAKE, noun. (dialectal) Play; sport; game; fun; glee.
LAKE, verb. (obsolete) To present an offering.
LAKE, verb. (chiefly dialectal) To leap, jump, exert oneself, play.
LAKE, noun. (obsolete) Fine linen.
LAKE, noun. In dyeing and painting, an often fugitive crimson or vermillion pigment derived from an organic colorant (cochineal or madder, for example) and an inorganic, generally metallic mordant.
LAKE, verb. To make lake-red.
LAKE, verb. (obsolete) To play; to sport.
LAKE, proper noun. A surname.
LAKE, proper noun. A town on the Isle of Wight, England
LAKE, proper noun. A town in Mississippi
LAKE, proper noun. One of two towns in Wisconsin
LAKE AGASSIZ, proper noun. An immense prehistoric lake in the center of North America, which was fed by glacial runoff at the end of the last ice age.
LAKE BIWA, proper noun. The largest lake in Japan, located in Shiga prefecture.
LAKE CHUDSKOE, proper noun. Alternative form of Lake Chudskoye
LAKE CHUDSKOYE, proper noun. Synonym of Chudskoye.
LAKE COMO, proper noun. A large lake in Lombardy, Italy
LAKE CONSTANCE, proper noun. A lake on the River Rhine, situated in Austria, Germany and Switzerland
LAKE DIAN, proper noun. A lake near Kunming, Yunnan, in China
LAKE DIANCHI, proper noun. Alternative form of Dianchi Lake
LAKE DISTRICT, proper noun. A national park in Cumbria, north-western England characterised by its many lakes.
LAKE DWELLING, noun. A prehistoric structure, built over shallow waters, such as a lake or marsh, supported on piles or artificial mounds of earth or wood
LAKE DWELLINGS, noun. Plural of lake dwelling
LAKE EFFECT, noun. (meteorology) An effect of large bodies of fresh water on the weather of regions downwind.
LAKE ERIE, proper noun. One of the five Great Lakes of North America.
LAKE GARDA, proper noun. A large lake in northern Italy
LAKE HURON, proper noun. One of the Great Lakes of North America. Hydrologically, a bay of Lake Michigan–Huron.
LAKE HURON-MICHIGAN, proper noun. One of the Great Lakes of North America. Hydrologically a single lake, its two basins are traditionally counted as separate lakes, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.
LAKE ITCH, noun. Synonym of swimmer's itch.
LAKE LADOGA, proper noun. Synonym of Ladoga.
LAKE MALAR, proper noun. The third-largest lake in Sweden
LAKE MÄLAREN, proper noun. The third-largest lake in Sweden
LAKE MICHIGAN, proper noun. One of the Great Lakes of North America, and the only one located entirely within the United States. Hydrologically, a bay of Lake Michigan–Huron.
LAKE MICHIGAN-HURON, proper noun. One of the Great Lakes of North America. Hydrologically a single lake, its two basins are traditionally counted as separate lakes, Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.
LAKE MIWOK, proper noun. A division of the Miwok people, who resided in the Clear Lake basin, California.
LAKE MIWOK, proper noun. The Utian (Penutian) language spoken by this people.
LAKE ONEGA, noun. Synonym of Onega.
LAKE ONTARIO, proper noun. One of the five Great Lakes of North America.
LAKE PEIPUS, proper noun. Synonym of Peipus.
LAKE POET, noun. Any of a group of Romantic poets who lived and worked in the English Lake District at the turn of the 19th century
LAKE POETS, noun. Plural of lake poet
LAKE QUILLWORT, noun. A boreal quillwort, Isoetes lacustris, native on both sides of the northern Atlantic Ocean.
LAKE QUILLWORTS, noun. Plural of lake quillwort
LAKE STRATIFICATION, noun. The separation of the waters of a lake etc into three layers:- epilimnion, metalimnion (or thermocline) and hypolimnion
LAKE SUPERIOR, proper noun. A lake in North America; the largest of the Great Lakes and second largest lake in the world by area. It is located higher than Lake Huron, hence the name.
LAKE T'AI-YEH, proper noun. Alternative form of T'ai-yeh Lake
LAKE T'AIYEH, proper noun. Alternative form of T'ai-yeh Lake
LAKE TAI, proper noun. A large freshwater lake west of Shanghai in eastern China
LAKE TAIHU, proper noun. Alternative term for Lake Tai
LAKE TAIYE, proper noun. Alternative form of Taiye Lake
LAKE TAIYEH, proper noun. Alternative form of T'ai-yeh Lake
LAKE THUN, proper noun. Synonym of Thun.
LAKE TROUT, noun. A large species of trout found in lakes in North America, Salvelinus namaycush.
LAKE TROUT, noun. (Baltimore) Whiting fried in batter and served in a sandwich.
LAKE VICTORIA, proper noun. The largest lake in Africa, with shoreline in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania
LAKE WOBEGON, proper noun. A fictional place in the radio show A Prairie Home Companion, "where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average". Serves as a proxy for the American small-town, particularly the American small town of the Upper Midwest.
LAKE WOBEGON EFFECT, noun. A term for illusory superiority, that is, the belief that a majority of people are or can be above average.
LAKE ZURICH, proper noun. A lake in north-central Switzerland, extending to the south and east of the city of Zurich.
Dictionary definition
LAKE, noun. A body of (usually fresh) water surrounded by land.
LAKE, noun. A purplish red pigment prepared from lac or cochineal.
LAKE, noun. Any of numerous bright translucent organic pigments.
Wise words
Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at
least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are
nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to
build something with them; they do not win their true
meaning until one knows how to apply them.