Associations to the word «Hydroelectric»
- Dam
- Irrigation
- Electricity
- Powerhouse
- Reservoir
- Turbine
- Generator
- Biomass
- Plant
- Kw
- Niagara
- Volga
- Falls
- Potential
- Power
- Electrification
- Reclamation
- Generation
- Flooding
- Kv
- Gorge
- Aqueduct
- Storage
- Cree
- Diversion
- Capacity
- Headwater
- Waterfall
- Paraguay
- Kyrgyzstan
- Joaquin
- Tajikistan
- River
- Euphrates
- Station
- Project
- Scheme
- Energy
- Grid
- Labrador
- Construction
- Edison
- Drought
- Coal
- Weir
- Fossil
- Tributary
- Aluminium
- Cascade
- Electric
- Grande
- Rapid
- Highlands
- Canyon
- Embankment
- Barrage
- Watershed
- Uganda
- Salmon
- Tasmania
- Deforestation
- Quebec
- Confluence
- Facility
- Waterway
- Feasibility
- Supply
HYDROELECTRIC, adjective. That generates electricity by converting the energy of moving water
HYDROELECTRIC, adjective. Of or relating to the electricity so produced
HYDROELECTRIC DAM, noun. A dam containing hydroelectric generators.
HYDROELECTRIC DAMS, noun. Plural of hydroelectric dam
HYDROELECTRIC GENERATOR, noun. A low-speed electric generator driven by water turbines.
HYDROELECTRIC GENERATORS, noun. Plural of hydroelectric generator
Dictionary definition
HYDROELECTRIC, adjective. Of or relating to or used in the production of electricity by waterpower; "hydroelectric power".
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