Associations to the word «Swede»
- Dane
- Norwegian
- Turnip
- Finn
- Tilly
- Deluge
- Prussian
- Swedish
- Pomerania
- Goth
- Lithuanian
- Dutchman
- Novgorod
- Brandenburg
- Dutch
- Uppsala
- Sweden
- Cossack
- Russian
- Knitting
- Sven
- Casimir
- Hanson
- Saxon
- Henrik
- Frenchmen
- Sigismund
- Olaf
- Elector
- Austrian
- Finland
- Swiss
- Delaware
- Cullen
- Nilsson
- Spaniard
- Gothenburg
- Danish
- Estonia
- Anders
- Gustav
- Wilmington
- Stockholm
- Saxony
- Rus
- Magnus
- Lutheran
- Vas
- German
- Sami
- Belgian
- Richelieu
- Hungarian
- Johan
- Scandinavia
- Finnish
- Czar
- Pole
- Bremen
- Vandal
- Hussar
- Adolph
- Bulgarian
- Carrot
- Irish
- Retreated
- Borg
- Macedonian
- Fortress
- Lars
- Frenchman
- Carlson
- Prussia
- Denmark
- Tsar
- Italian
- Saxe
- Stefan
- Weimar
- Mecklenburg
- Gloria
- Shortstop
- Christina
SWEDE, noun. (chiefly British) The fleshy yellow root of a variety of rape, Brassica napus, resembling a large turnip, grown as a vegetable.
SWEDE, noun. The plant from which this is obtained.
SWEDE, noun. (Scotland) (Ireland) (Northern England) The turnip.
SWEDE, verb. To produce a low-budget remake of a film without the use of professional actors or filming techniques.
SWEDE, noun. A person from Sweden or of Swedish descent.
Dictionary definition
SWEDE, noun. A native or inhabitant of Sweden.
SWEDE, noun. A cruciferous plant with a thick bulbous edible yellow root.
SWEDE, noun. The large yellow root of a rutabaga plant used as food.
Wise words
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