Associations to the word «Leaping»


LEAPING, verb. Present participle of leap
LEAPING HOUSE, noun. (obsolete) A brothel.
LEAPING LENA, proper noun. A nickname for a vehicle.
LEAPING LENA, proper noun. A nickname for someone or something that leaps.
LEAPING LENA, proper noun. The fictional name given to a B-52 bomber in the 1944 movie The Purple Heart.
LEAPING LENA, proper noun. The name given to a 1954 Cold War hero pigeon.
LEAPING LENA, proper noun. The name given to a 1964 Vietnam War counterinsurgency operation in Laos, later renamed Project DELTA.

Dictionary definition

LEAPING, noun. A light, self-propelled movement upwards or forwards.

Wise words

All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.
Kahlil Gibran