Associations to the word «Skip»
- Rink
- Bail
- Rope
- Beat
- Jump
- Bounce
- Manitoba
- Colleen
- Leap
- Murdoch
- Playback
- Hoop
- Grade
- Indy
- Formality
- Altogether
- Ewing
- Mccormick
- Saskatchewan
- Lunch
- Spence
- Gait
- Alberta
- Cassandra
- Breakfast
- Scotia
- Moe
- Skip
- Labrador
- Barber
- Commercial
- Angelina
- Recorder
- Belmont
- Jennifer
- Randy
- Shawn
- Heather
- Scarborough
- Newfoundland
- Alternate
- Wiley
- Tracer
- Pause
- Hop
- Agility
- Flip
- Mazda
- Vinegar
- Cordelia
- Lou
- Oar
- Mcdonald
- Suzanne
- Brie
- Tracing
- Hopper
- Jenna
- Mrna
- Heartbeat
- Patton
- Fawn
- Pebble
- Numbering
- Rhyme
- Williamson
- Heidi
- Crossbow
- Drow
- Willie
- Meal
- Propagation
- Broom
- Humphrey
- Saucer
- Blues
SKIP, verb. (intransitive) To move by hopping on alternate feet.
SKIP, verb. (intransitive) To leap about lightly.
SKIP, verb. (intransitive) To skim, ricochet or bounce over a surface.
SKIP, verb. (transitive) To throw (something), making it skim, ricochet, or bounce over a surface.
SKIP, verb. (transitive) To disregard, miss or omit part of a continuation (some item or stage).
SKIP, verb. To place an item in a skip.
SKIP, verb. (transitive) (informal) Not to attend (some event, especially a class or a meeting).
SKIP, verb. (transitive) (informal) To leave; as, to skip town, to skip the country.
SKIP, verb. To leap lightly over.
SKIP, verb. To jump rope.
SKIP, noun. A leaping, jumping or skipping movement.
SKIP, noun. The act of passing over an interval from one thing to another; an omission of a part.
SKIP, noun. (music) A passage from one sound to another by more than a degree at once.
SKIP, noun. A person who attempts to disappear so as not to be found.
SKIP, noun. (radio) skywave propagation
SKIP, noun. (Australia) (New Zealand) (British) A large open-topped rubbish bin, designed to be lifted onto the back of a truck to take away both bin and contents. (See also skep.)
SKIP, noun. (mining) A transportation container in a mine, usually for ore or mullock.
SKIP, noun. (UK) (Scotland) (dialect) A skep, or basket.
SKIP, noun. A wheeled basket used in cotton factories.
SKIP, noun. (sugar manufacture) A charge of syrup in the pans.
SKIP, noun. A beehive.
SKIP, noun. Short for skipper, the master or captain of a ship, or other person in authority.
SKIP, noun. (curling) The player who calls the shots and traditionally throws the last two rocks.
SKIP, noun. (Australia) (slang) An Australian of Anglo-Celtic descent.
SKIP A BEAT, verb. (literally) To miss a beat.
SKIP A BEAT, verb. (by extension) (when of a heart) To experience a strong emotion.
SKIP A BEAT, verb. (by extension) (idiomatic) To momentarily falter.
SKIP A GENERATION, verb. To be present (as a trait or behavior) in a person and the person's grandchild, but not in the intervening generation (the person's child).
SKIP CAR, noun. A small cart used to carry iron ore, coke, or limestone, inside a blast furnace. It travels through the furnaces on a skip hoist.
SKIP CARS, noun. Plural of skip car
SKIP HOIST, noun. An inclined ramp used to transport skip cars carrying iron ore, coke, or limestone, inside a blast furnace.
SKIP HOISTS, noun. Plural of skip hoist
SKIP OUT, verb. (idiomatic) To shirk; to avoid attending or to leave early, especially without permission.
SKIP ROPE, verb. (idiomatic) To jump over a rope, both of whose ends are held by the jumper or by two others, while the rope is moved under the jumper's feet in a continual rhythm; to play the game of jump rope or exercise by jumping rope.
SKIP ROPE, noun. The rope used in this activity.
SKIP TOWN, verb. (idiomatic) To leave one's place of residence suddenly, without warning.
SKIP TRACER, noun. A private investigator or private detective who specializes in finding people who have attempted to disappear.
SKIP TRACING, noun. The work of a skip tracer; attempting to find somebody who has deliberately disappeared.
Dictionary definition
SKIP, noun. A gait in which steps and hops alternate.
SKIP, noun. A mistake resulting from neglect.
SKIP, verb. Bypass; "He skipped a row in the text and so the sentence was incomprehensible".
SKIP, verb. Intentionally fail to attend; "cut class".
SKIP, verb. Jump lightly.
SKIP, verb. Leave suddenly; "She persuaded him to decamp"; "skip town".
SKIP, verb. Bound off one point after another.
SKIP, verb. Cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond".
Wise words
Much wisdom often goes with fewest words.