Associations to the word «Conception»
- Dogma
- Fetus
- Hegel
- Basilica
- Womb
- Fertilization
- Vila
- Materialism
- Rationality
- Afterlife
- Kant
- Philo
- Pregnancy
- Virgin
- Grandeur
- Embryo
- Individuality
- Sperm
- Uterus
- Idealism
- Nativity
- Pius
- Nietzsche
- Descartes
- Kingship
- Abortion
- Aristotle
- Originality
- Cathedral
- Plato
- Intuition
- Franciscan
- Notion
- Feast
- Marx
- Absolute
- Doctrine
- Clearer
- Deity
- Sanctity
- Morality
- Embodiment
- Ideal
- Childbirth
- Solemnity
- Execution
- Intellect
- Cosmos
- Imagination
- Rousseau
- Aquinas
- Immaculate
- Metaphysical
- Erroneous
- Embryo
- Miraculous
- Sublime
- Beyond
- Imaginative
- Normative
- Cathedral
- Exalted
- Abstract
- Transcendental
- Philosophical
- Blessed
- Poetical
- Lofty
- Mediaeval
- Contradictory
- Mythic
- Parochial
- Divine
- Ideal
- Imperfect
- Definite
- Unborn
- Intelligible
- Pragmatic
- Harmonious
- Rational
- Fetal
- Fundamental
- Moral
- Ethical
- Marian
- Primitive
- Marxist
- Mythical
- Methodological
CONCEPTION, noun. The act of conceiving.
CONCEPTION, noun. The state of being conceived; the beginning.
CONCEPTION, noun. The fertilization of an ovum by a sperm to form a zygote.
CONCEPTION, noun. The start of pregnancy.
CONCEPTION, noun. The formation of a conceptus or an implanted embryo.
CONCEPTION, noun. The power or faculty of apprehending of forming an idea in the mind; the power of recalling a past sensation or perception; the ability to form mental abstractions.
CONCEPTION, noun. An image, idea, or notion formed in the mind; a concept, plan or design.
Dictionary definition
CONCEPTION, noun. An abstract or general idea inferred or derived from specific instances.
CONCEPTION, noun. The act of becoming pregnant; fertilization of an ovum by a spermatozoon.
CONCEPTION, noun. The event that occurred at the beginning of something; "from its creation the plan was doomed to failure".
CONCEPTION, noun. The creation of something in the mind.
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.