Associations to the word «Acceleration»


ACCELERATION, noun. (uncountable) The act of accelerating, or the state of being accelerated; increase of motion or action; as opposed to retardation or deceleration.
ACCELERATION, noun. (countable) The amount by which a speed or velocity increases (and so a scalar quantity or a vector quantity).
ACCELERATION, noun. (physics) The change of velocity with respect to time (can include deceleration or changing direction).
ACCELERATION, noun. The advancement of students at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in the regular school curriculum.
ACCELERATION CLAUSE, noun. (legal) a provision in a contract that makes all obligations to be performed under the contract due immediately upon a specific occurrence, such as a breach
ACCELERATION CLAUSES, noun. Plural of acceleration clause

Dictionary definition

ACCELERATION, noun. An increase in rate of change; "modern science caused an acceleration of cultural change".
ACCELERATION, noun. The act of accelerating; increasing the speed.
ACCELERATION, noun. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity.

Wise words

A word carries far, very far, deals destruction through time as the bullets go flying through space.
Joseph Conrad