Associations to the word «Odd»
- Fellows
- Parity
- Integer
- Permutation
- Looking
- Governed
- Trustee
- Neutron
- Even
- Vertex
- Proton
- Alternate
- Polynomial
- Polygon
- Digit
- Sensation
- Isotope
- Graph
- Job
- Gait
- Euler
- Thirty
- Numbers
- Symmetry
- Gryphon
- Sixty
- Sort
- Clique
- Township
- Odd
- Zero
- Theorem
- Syllable
- Grazing
- Sticking
- Four
- Harald
- Trouser
- Assortment
- Three
- Creature
- Coincidence
- Board
- Mammal
- Singular
- Term
- November
- January
- Extraordinary
- Familiar
- Unique
- Twinkle
- Pairing
ODD, adjective. (not comparable) Single; sole; singular; not having a mate.
ODD, adjective. (obsolete) Singular in excellence; unique; sole; matchless; peerless; famous.
ODD, adjective. Singular in looks or character; peculiar; eccentric.
ODD, adjective. Strange, unusual.
ODD, adjective. (not comparable) Occasional; infrequent.
ODD, adjective. (not comparable) Left over, remaining when the rest have been grouped.
ODD, adjective. (not comparable) Casual, irregular, not planned.
ODD, adjective. (not comparable) (in combination with a number) (not comparable) About, approximately.
ODD, adjective. (not comparable) Not divisible by two; not even.
ODD AND CURIOUS, adjective. (idiomatic) (British) On the Isle of Man, the common or general man.
ODD AND CURIOUS, adjective. (idiomatic) (US) A way to designate special coins, namely coins that are both odd and imperfect or seriously damaged.
ODD DUCK, noun. (idiomatic) An unusual person, especially an individual with an idiosyncratic personality or peculiar behavioral characteristics.
ODD FISH, noun. (idiom) An unusual thing or eccentric person.
ODD FUNCTION, noun. (mathematics) Any function whose value changes sign if the independent variable changes sign i.e. f(-x) = -f(x)
ODD FUNCTIONS, noun. Plural of odd function
ODD JOB, noun. Temporary employment.
ODD JOB, noun. Task of an incidental, unspecialized nature.
ODD JOBS, noun. Plural of odd job
ODD LOT, noun. (economics) A block of shares of stock that is not a multiple of some number, usually 100.
ODD LOT, noun. (economics) A set of leftover goods, of a quantity less than an evenly divisible shippable unit, often sold at reduced price.
ODD MAN, noun. In a group having an odd number of people, someone with the casting vote; an arbiter. [from 15th c.]
ODD MAN, noun. Someone who does odd jobs; an odd job man. [from 18th c.]
ODD MAN OUT, noun. Alternative form of odd one out
ODD MEN, noun. Plural of odd man
ODD MEN OUT, noun. Plural of odd man out
ODD NUMBER, noun. (mathematics) All positive numbers that cannot be divided by two.
ODD NUMBERS, noun. Plural of odd number
ODD ONE OUT, noun. (idiomatic) Something or someone in a group that is different or exceptional, that does not fit.
ODD ONE OUT, noun. (idiomatic) A visual puzzle where the guesser has to choose which word/picture/symbol etc. does not fit with the others.
Dictionary definition
ODD, adjective. Not divisible by two.
ODD, adjective. Not easily explained; "it is odd that his name is never mentioned".
ODD, adjective. An indefinite quantity more than that specified; "invited 30-odd guests".
ODD, adjective. Beyond or deviating from the usual or expected; "a curious hybrid accent"; "her speech has a funny twang"; "they have some funny ideas about war"; "had an odd name"; "the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves"; "something definitely queer about this town"; "what a rum fellow"; "singular behavior".
ODD, adjective. Of the remaining member of a pair, of socks e.g..
ODD, adjective. Not used up; "leftover meatloaf"; "she had a little money left over so she went to a movie"; "some odd dollars left"; "saved the remaining sandwiches for supper"; "unexpended provisions".
Wise words
Many a true word is spoken in jest.