Associations to the word «Clique»
- Graph
- Vertex
- Warlord
- Coloring
- Np
- Chiang
- Compact
- Eunuch
- Optimization
- Adolescence
- Gentry
- Zhang
- Bai
- Adolescent
- Manchuria
- Algorithm
- Subset
- Yunnan
- Liang
- Kai
- Decomposition
- Faction
- Keyword
- Hu
- Sichuan
- Conjecture
- Peng
- Lu
- Wu
- Maximum
- Shanghai
- Chen
- Partition
- Hui
- Nationalist
- Dictatorship
- Node
- Theorem
- Peking
- Gossip
- Relaxation
- Complement
- Cc
- Duality
- Huang
- Jock
- Domination
- Prob
- Manhattan
- Sn
- Integer
- Liberator
- Elite
- Ds
- Wang
- Peer
- Gang
- Inequality
- Permutation
- Ma
- Bribery
- Lem
- Eviction
- Purge
- Yang
- Housemate
- Characterization
- Dynamics
- Henson
- Beijing
- Ordering
- Intrigue
- Cabaret
CLIQUE, noun. A small, exclusive group of individuals; cabal
CLIQUE, noun. (graph theory) A subgraph isomorphic to a complete graph.
CLIQUE, noun. (Internet) A group of related web sites that link to each other, like a webring but with exclusive membership determined by the clique owner.
CLIQUE, verb. To associate together in a clannish way; to act with others secretly to gain a desired end; to plot.
CLIQUE NUMBER, noun. (graph theory) The number of vertices in a maximum clique of a given graph.
CLIQUE NUMBERS, noun. Plural of clique number
Dictionary definition
CLIQUE, noun. An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose.
Wise words
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes
are truly endless.