Associations to the word «Paralysis»
- Wheelchair
- Twitch
- Progressive
- Fracture
- Gout
- Coordination
- Ingestion
- Abnormality
- Sleep
- Ulcer
- Stiffness
- Toxicity
- Disease
- Trauma
- Asthma
- Spine
- Anemia
- Fever
- Infection
- Injury
- Hypertension
- Arthritis
- Fatigue
- Kidney
- Tumor
- Blocker
- Brain
- Compression
- Ness
- Irritation
- Disturbance
- Pain
- Saliva
- Vaccine
- Poison
- Virus
- Palate
- Dose
- Prognosis
- Wasting
- Ventilation
- Cause
- Ailment
- Blocking
- Cessation
- Disability
- Gait
- Stimulation
- Diagnosis
- Galen
- Barre
- Tendon
- Epidemic
- Loss
- Illness
PARALYSIS, noun. (pathology) The complete loss of voluntary control of part of person's body, such as one or more limbs.
PARALYSIS, noun. A state of being inable to act.
Dictionary definition
PARALYSIS, noun. Loss of the ability to move a body part.
Wise words
Life has no meaning unless one lives it with a will, at
least to the limit of one's will. Virtue, good, evil are
nothing but words, unless one takes them apart in order to
build something with them; they do not win their true
meaning until one knows how to apply them.