Associations to the word «Fibrous»
- Starch
- Silica
- Hemorrhage
- Coating
- Covering
- Shrub
- Bulb
- Material
- Protein
- Stem
- Mineral
- Proliferation
- Articulation
- Sponge
- Matrix
- Ceiling
- Masse
- Quartz
- Crystal
- Twig
- Strip
- Eucalyptus
- Filtration
- Mesh
- Bundle
- Calcium
- Stiffness
- Vertebra
- Lymphocyte
- Mould
- Nut
- Spleen
- Puberty
- Mater
- Nerve
- Degeneration
- Masonry
- Wool
- Infiltration
- Arthritis
- Fat
- Scaffold
- Strand
- Vein
- Cocoa
- Skull
- Mat
- Foam
- Gel
- Ulcer
- Duce
- Cholesterol
- Residue
- Irritation
FIBROUS, adjective. Of or pertaining to fibre.
FIBROUS DYSPLASIA, noun. (medicine) The replacement of an area of bone by fibrous tissue; often linked with premature sexual development as part of a syndrome
Dictionary definition
FIBROUS, adjective. Having or resembling fibers especially fibers used in making cordage such as those of jute.
FIBROUS, adjective. (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew.
Wise words
A kind word warms a man throughout three winters.