Associations to the word «Masonry»


MASONRY, noun. The art or occupation of a mason.
MASONRY, noun. The work or performance of a mason; as, good or bad masonry; skillful masonry.
MASONRY, noun. That which is built by a mason; anything constructed of the materials used by masons, such as stone, brick, tiles, or the like. Dry masonry is applied to structures made without mortar.
MASONRY, noun. The craft, institution, or mysteries of Freemasons; Freemasonry.
MASONRY CEMENT, noun. A type of cement used for masonry mortar, containing Portland cement and filler.

Dictionary definition

MASONRY, noun. Structure built of stone or brick by a mason.
MASONRY, noun. Freemasons collectively.
MASONRY, noun. The craft of a mason.

Wise words

Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the truants in custody and bring them back to their right senses.
William Butler Yeats