Associations to the word «Catenary»


CATENARY, adjective. Relating to a chain; like a chain.
CATENARY, noun. (geometry) The curve described by a flexible chain or a rope if it is supported at each end and is acted upon only by no other forces than a uniform gravitational force due to its own weight.
CATENARY, noun. (nautical) The curve of an anchor cable from the seabed to the vessel; it should be horizontal at the anchor so as to bury the flukes.
CATENARY, noun. A system of overhead power lines that provide trains, trolleys, buses, etc., with electricity, having a straight conductor wire and a bowed suspension cable.
CATENARY BRIDGE, noun. (architecture) a bridge in which the horizontal deck is suspended from a reverse catenary to counteract bending
CATENARY BRIDGES, noun. Plural of catenary bridge

Dictionary definition

CATENARY, noun. The curve theoretically assumed by a perfectly flexible and inextensible cord of uniform density and cross section hanging freely from two fixed points.

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