Associations to the word «Overhead»


OVERHEAD, adjective. Located above, especially over the head
OVERHEAD, adjective. (soccer) kicked over one's own head
OVERHEAD, noun. (uncountable) (business) (accounting) The expense of a business not directly assigned to goods or services provided.
OVERHEAD, noun. (countable) (business) (accounting) The items or classes of expense not directly assigned to goods or services provided.
OVERHEAD, noun. (uncountable) Any cost or expenditure (monetary, time, effort or otherwise) incurred in a project or activity, which does not directly contribute to the progress or outcome of the project or activity.
OVERHEAD, noun. (uncountable) (business) Wasted money.
OVERHEAD, noun. (tennis) A smash.
OVERHEAD, noun. (nautical) The ceiling of any enclosed space below decks in a vessel
OVERHEAD, noun. (transport) The system of overhead wires used to power electric transport, such as streetcars, trains, or buses.
OVERHEAD, noun. (computing) data or steps of computation that is only used to facilitate the computations in the system and is not directly related to the actual program code or data being processed.
OVERHEAD, noun. (juggling) (by ellipsis) An overhead throw.
OVERHEAD, adverb. Above one's head; in the sky.
OVERHEAD, noun. (countable) An overhead projector.
OVERHEAD, noun. (countable) A sheet of transparent material with an image used with an overhead projector; an overhead transparency.
OVERHEAD CAM, noun. (automotive) A type of internal combustion engine design which has the inlet and exhaust valves in the cylinder head and has the camshaft(s) up above the valves too.
OVERHEAD ENGINE, noun. A vertical steam engine in which the cylinder stands above the crank.
OVERHEAD FAN, noun. A ceiling fan.
OVERHEAD FANS, noun. Plural of overhead fan
OVERHEAD KICK, noun. (soccer) A kick where the ball travels over the player's head.
OVERHEAD LINE, noun. A wire or cable, suspended between poles, used to distribute power or signals.
OVERHEAD LINES, noun. Plural of overhead line
OVERHEAD PRESS, noun. (weightlifting) An exercise in which a weight is lifted with the arms, which are straightened vertically over one's head.
OVERHEAD PRESSES, noun. Plural of overhead press
OVERHEAD PROJECTOR, noun. A projector that projects an image over the heads of the viewers onto a screen in front of them
OVERHEAD PROJECTORS, noun. Plural of overhead projector
OVERHEAD TRANSPARENCY, noun. A transparency for use with an overhead projector.
OVERHEAD VALVE, noun. (automotive) A type of internal combustion engine design which has the inlet and exhaust valves in the cylinder head (and therefore above the piston). The camshaft can be beside the pistons (with pushrods and rockers operating the valves) or above the valves, with the latter usually referred to as overhead cam.

Dictionary definition

OVERHEAD, noun. The expense of maintaining property (e.g., paying property taxes and utilities and insurance); it does not include depreciation or the cost of financing or income taxes.
OVERHEAD, noun. (computer science) the processing time required by a device prior to the execution of a command.
OVERHEAD, noun. (computer science) the disk space required for information that is not data but is used for location and timing.
OVERHEAD, noun. A transparency for use with an overhead projector.
OVERHEAD, noun. (nautical) the top surface of an enclosed space on a ship.
OVERHEAD, noun. A hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head.
OVERHEAD, adverb. Above your head; in the sky; "planes were flying overhead".
OVERHEAD, adverb. Above the head; over the head; "bring the legs together overhead".
OVERHEAD, adjective. Located or originating from above; "an overhead crossing".

Wise words

The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug.
Mark Twain