Associations to the word «Canonically»
- Unicode
- Pius
- Archdiocese
- Diocese
- Subspace
- Synod
- Equivalence
- Algebra
- Momentum
- Pope
- Xiii
- Basilica
- Priesthood
- Congregation
- Topology
- Clergy
- Bishop
- Orthodox
- Canon
- Metropolitan
- Parish
- Archbishop
- Abbot
- Xii
- Supremacy
- Constantinople
- Variable
- Vatican
- Decree
- Vector
- Manila
- Superior
- Ix
- Cathedral
- Coordinate
- Gregory
- Cardinal
- Vow
- Bundle
- Uncertainty
- Apostle
- Vii
- Catholic
- Leo
- Norm
- Module
- Graph
- Episcopal
- Church
- Image
- Rico
- Saint
- Priest
- Monk
- Sum
- Vi
- Space
- Representation
- Puerto
- Monastery
- Rev
- Rome
- Paul
- Moscow
- Statue
CANONICALLY, adverb. In a canonical manner.
Dictionary definition
CANONICALLY, adverb. In a canonical manner; "the deacon was canonically inducted".
Wise words
In words are seen the state of mind and character and
disposition of the speaker.