Associations to the word «Thoroughbred»
- Danzig
- Hollywood
- Crosse
- Autumn
- Florida
- Rating
- Champion
- Sydney
- Mellon
- Swap
- Slipper
- Fields
- Offspring
- Importation
- Earning
- Brisbane
- Hereford
- Oak
- Parentage
- Contender
- California
- Sportsman
- Birthplace
- Tracing
- Goose
- Upset
- Arc
- Sheikh
- Hurley
- Toronto
- Announcer
- Dutchman
- Canadian
- Penalty
- Riva
- Finisher
- Jumper
- Ancestry
- Lucky
- Hall
- Association
- Gold
- Hemorrhage
- Banker
- Ancestor
- Hong
- Cigar
- Indy
- Ireland
- Rider
- Hunt
- Holstein
- Vanderbilt
- Dosage
- Diver
- Sanford
- Sport
- Surfer
- Baltimore
- Champ
- Chronology
- Gait
- Riding
- Club
- Casino
- Overdose
- Hunter
- Track
- Million
- Reeves
- Won
- Normandy
- Plate
- Winters
- Seen
THOROUGHBRED, adjective. Bred from pure stock.
THOROUGHBRED, adjective. Well-bred and properly educated.
THOROUGHBRED, noun. A horse of a breed derived from crosses between Arabian stallions and English mares, bred for racing. (Sometimes capitalized: Thoroughbred.)
THOROUGHBRED, noun. (nonstandard) (loosely) Any purebred horse.
THOROUGHBRED, noun. A person of uncommon strength or endurance (like that of a thoroughbred horse).
THOROUGHBRED, noun. A well-bred person.
THOROUGHBRED, noun. Alternative letter-case form of thoroughbred
Dictionary definition
THOROUGHBRED, noun. A well-bred person.
THOROUGHBRED, noun. A racehorse belonging to a breed that originated from a cross between Arabian stallions and English mares.
THOROUGHBRED, noun. A pedigreed animal of unmixed lineage; used especially of horses.
THOROUGHBRED, adjective. Having a list of ancestors as proof of being a purebred animal.
Wise words
It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more
value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an
idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words,
but a great deal in a few.