Associations to the word «Fluffy»


FLUFFY, adjective. Covered with fluff.
FLUFFY, adjective. Light; soft; airy.
FLUFFY, adjective. (colloquial) Warm and comforting.
FLUFFY, adjective. (colloquial) Not clearly defined or explained; fuzzy.
FLUFFY, adjective. Lightweight; superficial; lacking depth or seriousness.
FLUFFY, noun. Someone or something that is fluffy.
FLUFFY, noun. (NZ) A babycino (frothy milk drink).
FLUFFY, proper noun. A popular given name for a pet, often for a cat.

Dictionary definition

FLUFFY, adjective. Like down or as soft as down.

Wise words

Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'.
Charlie Chaplin