Associations to the word «Granny»

Pictures for the word «Granny»


GRANNY, noun. (colloquial) A grandmother.
GRANNY, noun. (colloquial) (derogatory) An elderly woman.
GRANNY, adjective. Typically or stereotypically old-fashioned, especially in clothing and accessories worn by or associated with elderly women.
GRANNY, proper noun. (colloquial) one's grandma
GRANNY ANNEXE, noun. (British) (informal) An extension built to house an elderly relative.
GRANNY ANNEXES, noun. Plural of granny annexe
GRANNY CHASER, noun. (neologism) (slang) Someone who is sexually attracted to elderly women.
GRANNY DUMPING, noun. (idiomatic) the abandonment of an elderly relative in a public place, e.g. a hospital.
GRANNY FLAT, noun. (UK) (Australia) (New Zealand) (informal) A dwelling detached from a primary residence, traditionally designated for a member of an extended family to live in.
GRANNY GEAR, noun. (informal) (derogatory) The lowest gear on a vehicle.
GRANNY GEARS, noun. Plural of granny gear
GRANNY KNOT, noun. A knot similar to the reef knot but crossed the opposite way.
GRANNY KNOTS, noun. Plural of granny knot
GRANNY PANTIES, noun. (plurale tantum) (US) (Canada) (slang) Panties of a traditional, staid kind, as opposed to thongs or bikini briefs.
GRANNY SHOT, noun. (basketball) A shot made granny style.
GRANNY SMITH, noun. A green apple originating from Australia.
GRANNY SQUARE, noun. A piece of square fabric produced by crocheting in rounds from the centre outward.
GRANNY SQUARES, noun. Plural of granny square
GRANNY STYLE, noun. (basketball) A method of shooting baskets, especially foul shots, in which the ball is thrown underhand, with both arms, from below or anterior to the pelvis.

Dictionary definition

GRANNY, noun. The mother of your father or mother.
GRANNY, noun. An old woman.
GRANNY, noun. A reef knot crossed the wrong way and therefore insecure.

Wise words

Words to me were magic. You could say a word and it could conjure up all kinds of images or feelings or a chilly sensation or whatever. It was amazing to me that words had this power.
Amy Tan