Associations to the word «Foray»


FORAY, noun. A sudden or irregular incursion in border warfare; hence, any irregular incursion for war or spoils; a raid.
FORAY, noun. A brief excursion or attempt, especially outside one's accustomed sphere.
FORAY, verb. (transitive) To scour (an area or place) for food, treasure, booty etc.
FORAY, verb. (intransitive) To pillage; to ravage.

Dictionary definition

FORAY, noun. A sudden short attack.
FORAY, noun. An initial attempt (especially outside your usual areas of competence); "scientists' forays into politics".
FORAY, verb. Steal goods; take as spoils; "During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners".
FORAY, verb. Briefly enter enemy territory.

Wise words

Actions speak louder than words.
Ancient Proverb