Associations to the word «Forerunner»
- Today
- Halo
- Abolitionist
- Baptist
- Aquinas
- Nagoya
- Foray
- Precursor
- Messiah
- Minerva
- Modern
- Naacp
- Rousseau
- Covenant
- Ymca
- Cree
- Airway
- Marvel
- Atlas
- Waters
- Romanticism
- Racehorse
- Quaker
- Socialist
- Reformation
- Edo
- Socialism
- Pax
- Clarkson
- Prophet
- Descartes
- Comic
- Nietzsche
- Nationalism
- Auspice
- Genre
- Realism
- Rabbinic
- Renaissance
- Cia
- Thoroughbred
- Apostles
- Humanist
- Prototype
- Perkins
- Herald
- Fascism
- Founding
- Pioneer
- Microprocessor
- Founder
- Keats
- Nativity
- Bathurst
- Flood
- Assemblage
- Postage
- Commemoration
- Contemporary
- Godwin
- Meiji
- Countdown
- Invention
- Federation
- Inventor
- Abolition
- Merritt
- Projector
FORERUNNER, noun. A runner at the front or ahead
FORERUNNER, noun. (sport) by extension, a non-competitor who leads out the competitors on to the circuit, or who runs/rides the course prior to competitor trials, usually testing or checking the way.
FORERUNNER, noun. A precursor or harbinger, a warning ahead
FORERUNNER, noun. A forebear, an ancestor, a predecessor
FORERUNNER, noun. (philately) a postage stamp used in the time before a region or area issues stamps of its own
FORERUNNER, noun. Something that introduces a part of the properties offered by some later thing.
Dictionary definition
FORERUNNER, noun. A person who goes before or announces the coming of another.
FORERUNNER, noun. Something that precedes and indicates the approach of something or someone.
FORERUNNER, noun. Anything that precedes something similar in time; "phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience".
Wise words
False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect
the soul with evil.