Associations to the word «Big»
BIG, adjective. Of great size, large.
BIG, adjective. (of an industry or other field) Thought to have undue influence.
BIG, adjective. Popular.
BIG, adjective. (informal) Adult.
BIG, adjective. (informal) Fat.
BIG, adjective. (informal) Important or significant.
BIG, adjective. (informal) (with on) Enthusiastic (about).
BIG, adjective. (informal) Mature, conscientious, principled.
BIG, adjective. (informal) Well-endowed, possessing large breasts in the case of a woman or a large penis in the case of a man.
BIG, adjective. (sometimes figurative) Large with young; pregnant; swelling; ready to give birth or produce.
BIG, adjective. (informal) Used as an intensifier, especially of negative-valence nouns
BIG, adverb. In a loud manner.
BIG, adverb. In a boasting manner.
BIG, adverb. In a large amount or to a large extent.
BIG, adverb. On a large scale, expansively
BIG, adverb. Hard.
BIG, noun. An important or powerful person; a celebrity; a big name.
BIG, noun. (as plural) The big leagues, big time.
BIG, verb. (transitive) To praise or recommend
BIG, verb. (transitive) (Scotland) (archaic or UK dialectal) (Northern England) to inhabit; occupy
BIG, verb. (reflexive) (Scotland) (archaic or UK dialectal) (Northern England) to locate one's self
BIG, verb. (transitive) (Scotland) (archaic or UK dialectal) (Northern England) to build; erect; fashion
BIG, verb. (intransitive) (Scotland) (archaic or UK dialectal) (Northern England) to dwell; have a dwelling
BIG, noun. One or more kinds of barley, especially six-rowed barley.
BIG, noun. A biological insulation garment; an air-tight, full-body suit intended to prevent the spread of contaminants.
BIG APPLE, proper noun. (informal) A nickname for New York City.
BIG AS A BARN, adjective. (simile) Very big.
BIG ASS, adjective. Alternative form of big-ass
BIG BABIES, noun. Plural of big baby
BIG BABY, noun. An adult or youth prone to immature behavior associated with babies, such as tantrums or pouting.
BIG BAD WOLF, noun. An evil fictional wolf that appears in fairy tales or fables.
BIG BAD WOLVES, noun. Plural of Big Bad Wolf
BIG BAND, noun. A large dance or jazz band of 10 to 30 musicians usually featuring improvised solos by lead players, but otherwise playing orchestrated music.
BIG BAND, noun. (music genre) The music produced by a jazz big band.
BIG BANDS, noun. Plural of big band
BIG BANG, proper noun. The cosmic event that marks the beginning of time and the rapid expansion of space for the visible universe. The evolution of the universe since that beginning point is described by the Big Bang Theory.
BIG BANG, noun. An explosion giving rise to a universe.
BIG BANG, noun. In project management, a project that has no staged delivery. The customer must wait, sometimes months, before seeing anything. At the end of the wait comes a "big bang".
BIG BAT, noun. (baseball) (colloquial) A player who specializes in hitting home runs.
BIG BEAT, noun. A form of pop music having distorted breakbeats at a moderate tempo
BIG BEN, proper noun. (strictly) The hour bell in the Elizabeth Tower (formerly known as the Clock Tower), adjacent to the Houses of Parliament in London in the United Kingdom.
BIG BEN, proper noun. (popularly) The clock tower itself.
BIG BEND, proper noun. An area of western Texas by the Mexican border.
BIG BEND, proper noun. Big Bend National Park, a national park in Texas
BIG BEND PATCHNOSE SNAKE, noun. A snake, Salvadora deserticola, from the Big Bend area of Texas
BIG BEND PATCHNOSE SNAKES, noun. Plural of Big Bend patchnose snake
BIG BEND STATE, proper noun. Tennessee
BIG BERTHA, proper noun. A heavy, long-range howitzer used by Germany in World War I.
BIG BLIND, noun. (poker) The larger of the forced bets, usually equivalent to the minimum bet.
BIG BLIND, noun. (poker) The player forced to pay such a bet.
BIG BLUE, proper noun. (informal) The computer company IBM.
BIG BLUE MACHINE, proper noun. (lang) (derogatory) Any large regional police service.
BIG BLUESTEM, noun. Andropogon gerardii, a tall bunchgrass native to the North American prairies.
BIG BLUESTEMS, noun. Plural of big bluestem
BIG BOOB, adjective. Alternative form of big-boob
BIG BOX, noun. A large self-service store, usually on a single level, with few interior walls, owned and run by a corporation
BIG BOXES, noun. Plural of big box
BIG BOY, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see big, boy.
BIG BOY, noun. (idiomatic) A large object or person.
BIG BOY, noun. (idiomatic) (informal) An adult male.
BIG BOY PANTS, noun. Alternative form of big-boy pants
BIG BOYS, noun. Plural of big boy
BIG BOYS, noun. (idiomatic) (plurale tantum) The people or bodies with the most influence and/or power.
BIG BREAK, noun. (entertainment) (idiomatic) A breakthrough, especially the first big hit of a previously unknown performer or performers in the entertainment industry.
BIG BROTHER, proper noun. Unwarranted, invasive, and discreet surveillance, especially of a people by its government
BIG BROTHER, proper noun. Any omnipresent figurehead representing oppressive control
BIG BROTHER, noun. A sibling's older brother used especially by children or by parents in speaking to their children.
BIG BROTHER, noun. Alternative form of Big Brother
BIG BROTHERS, noun. Plural of big brother
BIG BUCKS, noun. (idiomatic) Lots of money.
BIG BUSINESS, noun. (sometimes capitalized) Large, for-profit corporations collectively, understood as having significant economic, political, or social influence.
BIG BUSINESS, noun. Alternative form of big business
BIG C, noun. (slang) a euphemism for cancer.
BIG CASSINO, noun. (card games) The ten of diamonds in the game of cassino.
BIG CAT, noun. Large feline animals. Especially members of the panthera genus - tigers, lions, jaguars and leopards.
BIG CATS, noun. Plural of big cat
BIG CHEESE, noun. (idiomatic) A very important figure, especially a high-ranking person in an organization.
BIG CHEESES, noun. Plural of big cheese
BIG CHILL, noun. (informal) heat death of the universe
BIG CRUNCH, proper noun. (astronomy) The hypothetic eventual collapse of the universe that would happen if it did not continue to expand.
BIG CRUNCH, noun. (astronomy) A singularity at the centre of a black hole, or the final result of the Big Crunch
BIG D, noun. (euphemistic) damn, damnation
BIG D, proper noun. A nickname for the city of Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
BIG DADDIES, noun. Plural of big daddy
BIG DADDY, noun. (idiomatic) A man of importance, a stud
BIG DATA, noun. (databases) A collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications; its processing (capture, storage) or usage (analysis, visualization).
BIG DEAL, noun. (idiomatic) Something very important, difficult, or of concern.
BIG DEAL, interjection. (idiomatic) (ironic) Indicates that something is not important or impressive; so what.
BIG DEALS, noun. Plural of big deal
BIG DIPPER, proper noun. (constellation) A bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky, said to resemble a ladle or cart. It is part of the constellation Ursa Major and includes the stars Mizar, Dubhe, and Alkaid.
BIG DIPPER, noun. An alternative term for a rollercoaster.
BIG DIPPERS, noun. Plural of big dipper
BIG DRUM, noun. (music genre) (dance) (Caribbean) A genre of music and dance, and an associated festival tradition, found in many islands of the Lesser Antilles.
BIG DRUM, noun. Alternative form of Big Drum
BIG EASY, proper noun. (informal) The city of New Orleans, Louisiana
BIG ENCHILADA, noun. (idiomatic) A very important person, especially the highest-ranking individual in an organization.
BIG ENCHILADA, noun. (idiomatic) Some item of high value, especially a top prize or reward.
BIG ENCHILADAS, noun. Plural of big enchilada
BIG FAT, adjective. (idiomatic) (pejorative) Complete, utter, total.
BIG FAT, adjective. (idiomatic) (colloquial) Huge, colossal.
BIG FIGURE, noun. (finance) (in a money market) the part of a monetary value before the decimal point
BIG FISH IN A SMALL POND, noun. (idiomatic) One who has achieved a high rank or is highly esteemed, but only in a small, relatively unimportant, or little known location or organization.
BIG FLIES, noun. Plural of big fly
BIG FLY, noun. (baseball) A home run.
BIG FOUR, noun. (music) A jazz rhythm
BIG FOUR, proper noun. A group of four entrepreneurs who formed the Central Pacific Railroad.
BIG GAME, noun. Any large animal hunted for sport.
BIG GIRL PANTS, noun. Alternative form of big-girl pants
BIG GIRL'S BLOUSE, noun. (idiomatic) An effeminate or weak man, a sissy.
BIG GIRL'S BLOUSES, noun. Plural of big girl's blouse
BIG GOVERNMENT, noun. (chiefly US) (politics) (uncountable) (sometimes capitalized) Governance that consists of large-scale programs, numerous departments and employees, and that entails substantial spending, especially liberal or left-wing governance which emphasizes social entitlements and regulation, and that is considered intrusive by some citizens, especially by conservatives.
BIG GOVERNMENT, noun. Alternative form of big government
BIG GUN, noun. (military) A large artillery gun or one of the largest-caliber naval guns (as on a battleship).
BIG GUN, noun. (idiomatic) (by extension) (usually pluralized) A person, group, thing, or course of action that is powerful, influential, or particularly effective.
BIG GUNS, noun. Plural of big gun
BIG GUY, noun. (singulare tantum) A term of endearment, usually addressed toward an all-around good male person.
BIG GUY, noun. (countable) Used other than as an idiom: see big, guy.
BIG H, noun. (slang) A street name for the drug heroin.
BIG HAIR, noun. Hair styled so as to increase its apparent size above and around the head, associated with fashion of the late 20th century.
BIG HAIRY ARMADILLO, noun. A species of armadillo found in South America, Chaetophractus villosus
BIG HEAD, noun. Alternative spelling of bighead
BIG HOUSE, noun. (slang) Prison, jail.
BIG HOUSE, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see big, house.
BIG HOUSE, LITTLE HOUSE, BACK HOUSE, BARN, noun. A style of architecture in New England, also called connected farm.
BIG IF, noun. An unlikely but necessary condition.
BIG IRON, noun. (computing) (humorous) (dated) Large, expensive, powerful computers such as mainframes.
BIG ISLAND, proper noun. The nickname for the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, for whom the island chain and the state are named.
BIG JIM AND THE TWINS, noun. (slang) The penis and testicles.
BIG KAHUNA, noun. (idiomatic) (informal) A boss, leader, chieftain, or top-ranking person in an organization.
BIG KAHUNAS, noun. Plural of big kahuna
BIG LABOR, noun. (sometimes capitalized) Large trade unions or labor unions collectively, understood as having significant economic, political, or societal influence.
BIG LABOR, noun. Alternative form of big labor
BIG LABOUR, noun. Alternative form of big labor
BIG LABOUR, noun. Alternative form of big labor
BIG LEAGUE, noun. A major league.
BIG LEAGUE, adjective. Major league.
BIG LICK, noun. (slang) (poker) A Texas hold 'em starting hand involving both a 6 and a 9 of any suit.
BIG LIE, noun. (often politics or public policy) (often preceded by the) The policy or practice of insistently making a false claim which is so emphatic and grandiose that listeners and readers will reckon that the claim must be true because no one would dare to fabricate something so forceful and extravagant; a false claim produced by the application of this policy or practice.
BIG LIE, noun. Alternative form of big lie
BIG LUG, noun. (colloquial) (affectionate) A man with a large, strong physique but a gentle personality.
BIG LUGS, noun. Plural of big lug
BIG MAC, noun. A hamburger from the fast food company McDonald's, served on a three-part bun with various condiments.
BIG MACS, noun. Plural of Big Mac
BIG MAMA, noun. (AAVE) grandmother, crone
BIG MAMAS, noun. Plural of big mama
BIG MAN ON CAMPUS, noun. A highly popular male collegian.
BIG MIND, noun. In the Zen tradition, an awareness of reality that transcends the merely personal or subjective.
BIG MOMMA, noun. (AAVE) Alternative form of big mama
BIG MOMMAS, noun. Plural of big momma
BIG MOUTH, noun. (idiomatic) the mouth of someone who talks too much, especially by making exaggerated claims or by inappropriately revealing information
BIG MOUTH, noun. (idiomatic) a person who who talks too much, especially by making exaggerated claims or by inappropriately revealing information
BIG MOUTHS, noun. Plural of big mouth
BIG MUDDY, proper noun. (informal) The Mississippi River.
BIG NAMBAS, proper noun. A tribe of Vanuatu.
BIG NAMBAS, proper noun. Their language, belonging to Oceanic branch of the Malayo-Polynesian language family.
BIG NAME, noun. (idiomatic) A widely-known reputation, especially one that is favorable.
BIG NAME, noun. (idiomatic) A prominent individual, especially one who is favorably regarded.
BIG NOISE, noun. An important or influential person.
BIG O, noun. (analysis) Upper bound function; see big O notation
BIG O, noun. (slang) (usually preceded by "the") orgasm
BIG O NOTATION, noun. (mathematics) (computing theory) A particular notation which describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity, usually in terms of simpler functions. Useful in the analysis of algorithms.
BIG OL', adjective. (idiomatic) (chiefly Southern US) Alternative spelling of big old
BIG OLD, adjective. (US) (idiomatic) (informal) (chiefly Southern US) Emphatically or impressively big; really big.
BIG OLE, adjective. (idiomatic) (chiefly Southern US) Alternative spelling of big old
BIG ONE, noun. (colloquial) Something important; (with 'the') the most important one, (especially sports) the big game, the big play
BIG ONE, noun. (US) (colloquial) One hundred or one thousand dollars.
BIG ONE, noun. (US) (colloquial) A dollar.
BIG ONES, noun. (US) (plurale tantum) dollars.
BIG OS, noun. Plural of big O
BIG PHARMA, noun. (business) (pejorative) (sometimes capitalized) Large, prosperous pharmaceutical firms collectively, understood as a business group having significant economic, political, or social influence.
BIG PHARMA, noun. Alternative form of big pharma
BIG PHAT, adjective. (slang) Nonstandard form of big fat
BIG PICTURE, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see big, picture.
BIG PICTURE, noun. The totality of a situation.
BIG PICTURE, noun. (British) (dated) The main film in a double feature.
BIG PICTURE, noun. (Can we verify([1]) this sense?) (slang) The movies or movie theaters.
BIG PICTURES, noun. Plural of big picture
BIG Q, proper noun. (US slang) San Quentin prison.
BIG RED BUTTON, noun. A real, fictional, or figurative button that controls a function of critical importance and that is usually big and red for quick identification.
BIG RED BUTTONS, noun. Plural of big red button
BIG RIG, noun. (informal) A large truck, an 18-wheeler.
BIG RIP, proper noun. (astronomy) One hypothetical end of the universe in which it expands at an increasing rate until all matter is torn apart.
BIG SAGEBRUSH, noun. Great Basin sagebrush, Artemisia tridentata
BIG SAGEBRUSHES, noun. Plural of big sagebrush
BIG SCHOOL, noun. (British) (puerile) secondary school.
BIG SCREEN, noun. A surface upon which films are projected, and, by extension, films themselves.
BIG SHOT, noun. (idiomatic) A person with a reputation of importance or power.
BIG SHOT, noun. (idiomatic) A rare and significant chance to achieve fame or success.
BIG SHOTS, noun. Plural of big shot
BIG SHOW, noun. The largest and most prominent performance in a circus.
BIG SHOW, noun. (sports) The major leagues, as compared to minor leagues.
BIG SISTER, noun. A sibling's older sister (used especially by children or by parents in speaking to their children).
BIG SISTERS, noun. Plural of big sister
BIG SIX, noun. (ecology) The six elements most used by life; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur.
BIG SLEEP, noun. (idiomatic) (euphemistic) (almost always preceded by the) Death. [from 20th c.]
BIG SLICK, noun. (poker slang) (singulare tantum) An ace and a king as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em. (Originally used to denote only an ace and a king of the same suit, the term now includes any ace and king.)
BIG SMOKE, proper noun. (Canada) (informal) The city of Toronto.
BIG SMOKE, proper noun. (UK) (informal) The city of London.
BIG SPENDER, noun. (idiomatic) One who frequently makes large purchases, especially of extravagant goods.
BIG SPOON, noun. (slang) The person whose front is touching the other person's back when spooning.
BIG SUIT, noun. An airtight full-body suit intended to protect wearer from biologically hazardous persons, serums, materials, or lifeforms.
BIG SUITS, noun. Plural of BIG suit
BIG TALK, noun. (idiomatic) Statements which are boastful or exaggerated.
BIG TALK, noun. (idiomatic) Major topic of conversation; current gossip.
BIG TENT, noun. (idiomatic) A group, philosophy, or social or political movement that encompasses or seeks to attract a broad range of members or constituents.
BIG TENT, noun. (attributive) (sometimes hyphenated) Pertaining to, representing, or advocating such a group, philosophy, or movement.
BIG TIME, noun. The highest, or most prestigious level in any field, especially in entertainment.
BIG TIMES, noun. Plural of big time
BIG TOBACCO, noun. The tobacco industry.
BIG TOBACCO, noun. The "big three" tobacco corporations in the United States: Philip Morris, Reynolds American and Lorillard.
BIG TOE, noun. (anatomy) The largest of the toes of a human and some other animals.
BIG TOES, noun. Plural of big toe
BIG TOP, noun. A circus tent, especially the largest in a given circus, where the central attractions take place.
BIG TOP, noun. The circus; the circus lifestyle.
BIG TOPS, noun. Plural of big top
BIG TREE, noun. The giant sequoia or wellingtonia, Sequoiadendron giganteum
BIG TWO, noun. A card game with many synonyms and variants, including arsehole.
BIG UP, verb. (British) (slang) (idiomatic) To increase one's muscle mass through exercise.
BIG UP, verb. (Jamaica) (slang) (idiomatic) To proclaim or exaggerate the importance of.
BIG UP, noun. (slang) (also big ups) Significant respect or acclaim.
BIG UPPED, verb. (rare) simple past tense and past participle of big up
BIG UPS, noun. Plural of big up
BIG WHEEL, noun. (idiomatic) A person with a great deal of power or influence, especially a high-ranking person in an organization.
BIG WHEEL, noun. (UK) A Ferris wheel.
BIG WHEELS, noun. Plural of big wheel
BIG WHITE TELEPHONE, noun. (slang) A toilet, as a receptacle for vomiting.
BIG WHOOP, interjection. Alternative spelling of big woop
BIG WIG, noun. Alternative spelling of bigwig
BIG WIGS, noun. Plural of big wig
BIG WOOP, interjection. (colloquial) (US) so what? Used dismissively to discount the importance of something or the magnitude of its effects.
BIG WOW, interjection. A sarcastic variant of wow.
BIG YEAR, noun. An informal competition among birdwatchers to see who can see or hear the largest number of species of birds within a single calendar year and within a specific geographical area.
BIG YEAR, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see big, year.
Dictionary definition
BIG, adverb. Extremely well; "his performance went over big".
BIG, adverb. In a boastful manner; "he talked big all evening".
BIG, adverb. On a grand scale; "think big".
BIG, adverb. In a major way; "the play failed big at the box office".
BIG, adjective. Above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent; "a large city"; "set out for the big city"; "a large sum"; "a big (or large) barn"; "a large family"; "big businesses"; "a big expenditure"; "a large number of newspapers"; "a big group of scientists"; "large areas of the world".
BIG, adjective. Significant; "graduation was a big day in his life".
BIG, adjective. Very intense; "a bad headache"; "in a big rage"; "had a big (or bad) shock"; "a bad earthquake"; "a bad storm".
BIG, adjective. Loud and firm; "a big voice"; "big bold piano sounds".
BIG, adjective. Conspicuous in position or importance; "a big figure in the movement"; "big man on campus"; "he's very large in financial circles"; "a prominent citizen".
BIG, adjective. Prodigious; "big spender"; "big eater"; "heavy investor".
BIG, adjective. Exhibiting self-importance; "big talk".
BIG, adjective. Feeling self-importance; "too big for his britches"; "had a swelled head"; "he was swelled with pride".
BIG, adjective. (of animals) fully developed; "an adult animal"; "a grown woman".
BIG, adjective. Marked by intense physical force; "a big wind".
BIG, adjective. Generous and understanding and tolerant; "a heart big enough to hold no grudges"; "that's very big of you to be so forgiving"; "a large and generous spirit"; "a large heart"; "magnanimous toward his enemies".
BIG, adjective. Given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather".
BIG, adjective. In an advanced stage of pregnancy; "was big with child"; "was great with child".
Wise words
Men govern nothing with more difficulty than their tongues,
and can moderate their desires more than their words.