Associations to the word «Spanish»
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- Spanish
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- Influenza
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- Baroque
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- Rancho
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- Frigate
- Nicaragua
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- Jesuit
- Monarchy
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- Bolivia
- Isabella
- Ancestry
- Indies
- Ferdinand
- Navajo
- Dialect
- Gran
- Arturo
- Hearst
- Conqueror
- Parma
- Coloration
- Descent
- Incursion
- Condor
- Armenian
- Dorado
SPANISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to Spain.
SPANISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain.
SPANISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to the Spanish language.
SPANISH, proper noun. A Romance language primarily spoken in Spain and in the Americas.
SPANISH, proper noun. A town in Ontario, Canada
SPANISH, noun. (collective plural) People of Spain, collectively.
SPANISH, noun. (US) (collective in the plural) People of Hispanic origin.
SPANISH, verb. (printing) To subject to spanishing, a printing process in which an ink is deposited on the bottoms and sides of depressions formed in a plastic material
SPANISH AMERICA, proper noun. Hispanic America
SPANISH ARABIC, proper noun. Andalusian Arabic (language)
SPANISH ARMADA, proper noun. The fleet of war ships sent by Philip II of Spain against England in 1588
SPANISH BAYONET, noun. Any of various plants with narrow leaves coming to a sharp point:
SPANISH BAYONET, noun. Hesperoyucca whipplei.
SPANISH BAYONET, noun. Yucca faxoniana.
SPANISH BAYONET, noun. Yucca gloriosa.
SPANISH BAYONET, noun. Yucca schidigera.
SPANISH BLACK, noun. A black pigment obtained by charring cork.
SPANISH BROOM, noun. Spartium junceum, a flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, native to the Mediterranean, with many flexible rush-like twigs.
SPANISH BROWN, noun. A kind of earth used in painting, having a dark reddish brown colour due to the presence of sesquioxide of iron.
SPANISH BUCKEYE, noun. A small tree (Ungnadia speciosa) of Texas, New Mexico, etc., related to the buckeye, but having pinnate leaves and a three-seeded fruit.
SPANISH BURTON, noun. (nautical) A purchase composed of two single blocks, or (double Spanish burton) one double and two single blocks.
SPANISH CEDAR, noun. A tree in the chinaberry family, taxonomic name Cedrela odorata
SPANISH CHALK, noun. A variety of steatite obtained from Aragon in Spain.
SPANISH CHESTNUT, noun. Castanea sativa, a deciduous tree with edible deep brown nutlike fruits. The fruits have a little white, fluffy tail.
SPANISH CHESTNUT, noun. Fruit of this tree.
SPANISH CHESTNUTS, noun. Plural of Spanish chestnut
SPANISH CRESS, noun. A cruciferous plant (Lepidium cardamines), a species of peppergrass.
SPANISH DAGGER, noun. A flowering plant in the family Asparagaceae, taxonomic name Yucca gloriosa
SPANISH DONKEY, noun. A torture device consisting of a very narrow vertical surface where the victim is supposed to sit with heavy objects attached to their feet.
SPANISH DONKEYS, noun. Plural of Spanish donkey
SPANISH ELM, noun. Cordia alliodora, a flowering tree in the borage family, native to the American tropics.
SPANISH FEVER, noun. Same as Texas fever
SPANISH FLAG, noun. Used other than as an idiom: see Spanish, flag.
SPANISH FLAG, noun. The flowering plant Lantana camara.
SPANISH FLIES, noun. Plural of Spanish fly
SPANISH FLU, proper noun. (pathology) Short form for Spanish influenza.
SPANISH FLU, proper noun. (pathology) Alternative spelling of Spanish flu
SPANISH FLY, noun. (uncountable) A supposed aphrodisiac extracted from the beetle Lytta vesicatoria; cantharidin, the active ingredient, a vesicant used as a defence by L. vesicatoria and other blister beetles.
SPANISH FLY, noun. (countable) The beetle Lytta vesicatoria.
SPANISH FOX, noun. (nautical) A yarn twisted against its lay.
SPANISH FURIES, noun. Plural of Spanish fury
SPANISH FURY, noun. (historical) A vindictive or rampant bloody pillage of cities in the Low Countries by Spanish regular or mutinous troops between the years 1572–1579, during the Dutch Revolt.
SPANISH GREEN, noun. (chemistry) (dated) Copper acetate.
SPANISH GREEN, noun. (color) The color of copper after extended exposure to the atmosphere.
SPANISH GREEN, noun. A pigment, formerly used in oil painting, obtained by exposing copper plates to vinegar (acetic acid).
SPANISH GUINEA, proper noun. A former colony of Spain and country in Africa, now called Equatorial Guinea.
SPANISH GUITAR, noun. Synonym of classical guitar.
SPANISH GUITAR, noun. Synonym of Baroque guitar.
SPANISH GUITARS, noun. Plural of Spanish guitar
SPANISH HAM, noun. Jamón ibérico
SPANISH INFLUENZA, noun. (pathology) An influenza pandemic that spread to nearly every part of the world between 1918 and 1920, killing from 20 to 100 million people.
SPANISH INFLUENZA, noun. Alternative letter-case form of Spanish influenza
SPANISH INQUISITION, proper noun. An extension of the Papal Inquisition, set up in 15th century Spain, to investigate and punish converted Jews and Muslims thought to be insincere.
SPANISH INQUISITION, proper noun. (figuratively) Excessive questioning or interrogation
SPANISH IRIS, noun. A bulbous iris, Iris xiphium, from the western Mediterranean; it has violet-purple flowers with a short perianth tube.
SPANISH JASMINE, noun. A species of jasmine, Jasminum grandiflorum.
SPANISH JUICE, noun. (archaic) licorice
SPANISH MACKEREL, noun. A tribe of mackerel, Scomberomorini
SPANISH MAIN, proper noun. The mainland coast of Spanish America.
SPANISH MOSS, noun. A gray epiphyte that hangs down from trees, Tillandsia usneoides, native to the southeastern US and throughout humid tropical and subtropical parts of the Americas.
SPANISH NECTARINE, noun. The plum-like fruit of the West Indian tree Chrysobalanus icaco; the cocoplum.
SPANISH NECTARINES, noun. Plural of Spanish nectarine
SPANISH NEEDLES, noun. A flowering plant, taxonomic name Bidens alba
SPANISH NETHERLANDS, proper noun. (plurale tantum) (historical) The southern part of the Low Countries (modern Netherlands and Belgium) during and after the Eighty Years' War, ruled by Spain and lasting from 1581 to 1713.
SPANISH OMELET, noun. A Spanish dish consisting of an egg omelet with fried potatoes and, often, onions
SPANISH OMELETS, noun. Plural of Spanish omelet
SPANISH OMELETTE, noun. An egg omelette made with fried potatoes.
SPANISH OMELETTES, noun. Plural of Spanish omelette
SPANISH ONION, noun. A relatively large variety of the onion, yellow or white in colour and with a mild, sweet flavour.
SPANISH POTATO, noun. Sweet potato
SPANISH PRACTICES, noun. (UK) Irregular practices in favour of the workers at a place of work, which are implied, but not specified, in the work contract.
SPANISH RED, noun. An ocherous red pigment resembling Venetian red, but slightly yellower and warmer.
SPANISH REEF, noun. (nautical) A knot tied in the head of a jib-headed sail.
SPANISH RICE, noun. A dish made of white rice, tomatoes, garlic, onion and other ingredients.
SPANISH SAHARA, proper noun. (historical) The territory of Western Sahara
SPANISH SAUSAGE, noun. Chorizo
SPANISH TICKLER, noun. Synonym of cat's-paw. (instrument of torture used to tear the flesh)
SPANISH TICKLERS, noun. Plural of Spanish tickler
SPANISH TOWN, proper noun. Jamaica's third largest city, capital until 1872.
SPANISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, proper noun. A group of islands near Puerto Rico, west of the U.S. Virgin Islands, separated by a channel from them, under the administration of Puerto Rico. They are part of the Virgin Islands chain but not part of the Virgin Islands archipelago, being separated by the Virgin Passage channel.
SPANISH WALK, noun. (equestrian) A movement in which the horse raises the forelegs off the ground in an extreme upward and out manner, with much expression.
SPANISH WATER DOG, noun. A herding water dog originating in Spain.
SPANISH WATER DOGS, noun. Plural of Spanish Water Dog
SPANISH WHITE, noun. A powder prepared from chalk by pulverizing and repeated washings, used as a white pigment.
SPANISH WINDLASS, noun. (nautical) A wooden roller, with a rope wound about it, into which a marlinspike is thrust to serve as a lever.
Dictionary definition
SPANISH, noun. The Romance language spoken in most of Spain and the countries colonized by Spain.
SPANISH, noun. The people of Spain.
SPANISH, adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of Spain or the people of Spain; "Spanish music".
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