Associations to the word «Civil»
- Disobedience
- War
- Unrest
- Townland
- Royalist
- Parish
- Aviation
- Naacp
- Parliamentarian
- Servant
- Liberty
- Rights
- Barony
- Strife
- Lebanese
- Litigation
- Tort
- Gettysburg
- Confederacy
- Confederate
- Mechanical
- Secession
- Outbreak
- Engineering
- Segregation
- Klan
- Cumbria
- Bolshevik
- Freedman
- Military
- Libertarian
- Discrimination
- Engineer
- Selma
- Pompey
- Lincolnshire
- Judiciary
- Abolitionist
- Cheshire
- Lawsuit
- Activism
- Nationalist
- Union
- Southerner
- Activist
- Colored
- Volunteer
- Reconstruction
- Oxfordshire
- Jurisdiction
- Violation
- Emancipation
- Guerra
- Equality
- Liability
- Azores
- Jurisprudence
- Defamation
- Right
- Liberia
- Covenant
- Anarchy
- Bureaucracy
- Magistrate
- Veteran
- Discord
- Vila
- Franco
- Brigadier
- African
- Plaintiff
- Insurgency
- Sulla
- Battlefield
- Directorate
- Campaigner
- Cromwell
- Slavery
CIVIL, adjective. (uncomparable) Having to do with people and government office as opposed to the military or religion.
CIVIL, adjective. (comparable) Behaving in a reasonable or polite manner.
CIVIL ACTION, noun. (legal): In the United States, a lawsuit between private parties, including an action by a private person against a government entity, which will be treated as a private party by the court
CIVIL ACTION, noun. Roman Dutch Law: a lawsuit which is not criminal in nature. It may be between the state and a private party. It is usually based in contract, or delict (tort).
CIVIL AVIATION, noun. All non-military forms of aviation, including private and commercial flight services.
CIVIL CODE, noun. (legal) A systematic collection of laws addressing dealings between private parties, such as business contracts and negligence lawsuits.
CIVIL CODES, noun. Plural of civil code
CIVIL COURT, noun. A court dealing with cases in civil law.
CIVIL COURTS, noun. Plural of civil court
CIVIL DAY, noun. Alternative term for calendar day
CIVIL DEFENCE, noun. Alternative form of civil defense
CIVIL DEFENSE, noun. Efforts to protect the citizens of a state from military attack.
CIVIL DISCOURSE, noun. An engagement in conversation intended to enhance understanding.
CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, noun. A form of social protest, involving the active but non-violent refusal to obey certain laws, demands, or commands of an established authority, because they are considered to be morally wrong or detrimental.
CIVIL ENFORCEMENT OFFICER, noun. (UK) A person employed to enforce parking, traffic and other restrictions and laws in England and Wales, formerly known as a parking attendant.
CIVIL ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS, noun. Plural of civil enforcement officer
CIVIL ENGINEER, noun. An engineer who is specificallly trained for and/or specialised in civil engineering
CIVIL ENGINEERING, noun. The technical design and construction of public works (buildings, roads, bridges, harbors, public greens ...) and/or technically equivalent private (usually corporate) ones
CIVIL ENGINEERS, noun. Plural of civil engineer
CIVIL LAW, noun. (legal) Roman law based on the Corpus Juris Civilis; it contrasts with common law.
CIVIL LAW, noun. (legal) The body of law dealing with the private relations between members of a community; it contrasts with criminal law, military law and ecclesiastical law.
CIVIL LAW NOTARY, noun. Publicly appointed legal officer (see: Wikipedia:Civil law notary)
CIVIL LAWS, noun. Plural of civil law
CIVIL LIBERTIES, noun. Civil rights and freedoms such as the freedom from enslavement, freedom from torture, and right to a fair trial.
CIVIL LIBERTY, noun. Singular of civil liberties
CIVIL MARRIAGE, noun. A marriage performed by a government official instead of by a member of the clergy.
CIVIL PARTNERSHIP, noun. A union similar to marriage which same-sex couples, and in some jurisdictions opposite-sex couples, may form, which affords rights and responsibilities similar or identical to those afforded by civil marriage.
CIVIL PARTNERSHIPS, noun. Plural of civil partnership
CIVIL POWER, noun. The collective power of the people or the commonwealth.
CIVIL PROCEDURE, noun. (legal) a body of rules that regulate the administration of civil trials and appeals.
CIVIL REGISTRIES, noun. Plural of civil registry
CIVIL REGISTRY, noun. A government repository, database recording the vital events (births, deaths, etc.) of its citizens and residents, its office.
CIVIL RIGHTIST, noun. A proponent of civil rights
CIVIL RIGHTISTS, noun. Plural of civil rightist
CIVIL RIGHTS, noun. (US) Those rights which are expressly enumerated in the U.S. Constitution and are considered to be unquestionable, deserved by all people under all circumstances, especially without regard to race, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender and disabilities.
CIVIL SERVANT, noun. A person employed in the civil service; a government employee.
CIVIL SERVANTS, noun. Plural of civil servant
CIVIL SERVICE, noun. In parliamentary forms of government, the branches of government that are not military, legislative or judicial, but work to apply its laws and regulations
CIVIL SERVICE, noun. The body of civilian employees of any level of government, not subject to political appointment and removal, normally hired and promoted largely on the basis of competitive examination.
CIVIL SERVICES, noun. Plural of civil service
CIVIL SOCIETY, noun. All of the institutions, voluntary organizations and corporate bodies that are less than the state but greater than the family
CIVIL SUIT, noun. (legal) A lawsuit; an action filed in a court of law to recover for injury wrongfully caused by another.
CIVIL SUITS, noun. Plural of civil suit
CIVIL TIME, noun. Mean solar time reckoned from midnight by adding twelve hours.
CIVIL TRIAL, noun. A trial in which a plaintiff seeks damages or other remedy from a defendant; a lawsuit
CIVIL TWILIGHT, noun. The period in which the sun is less than 6° below the horizon in the morning and evening.
CIVIL UNION, noun. A legal union similar to marriage, established to allow same-sex couples (and, in some jurisdictions, opposite-sex couples) rights similar to those married couples have.
CIVIL UNIONS, noun. Plural of civil union
CIVIL WAR, noun. A war fought between factions of the inhabitants of a single country, or the citizens of a single republic.
CIVIL WAR, proper noun. Any of several civil wars, taken specifically.
CIVIL WARS, noun. Plural of civil war
CIVIL WRONG, noun. (legal) A wrongful act by one person against another for which the other person may recover damages in a lawsuit.
CIVIL WRONGS, noun. Plural of civil wrong
CIVIL YEAR, noun. The year adopted by any nation for the computation of time.
Dictionary definition
CIVIL, adjective. Applying to ordinary citizens as contrasted with the military; "civil authorities".
CIVIL, adjective. Not rude; marked by satisfactory (or especially minimal) adherence to social usages and sufficient but not noteworthy consideration for others; "even if he didn't like them he should have been civil"- W.S. Maugham.
CIVIL, adjective. Of or occurring within the state or between or among citizens of the state; "civil affairs"; "civil strife"; "civil disobedience"; "civil branches of government".
CIVIL, adjective. Of or relating to or befitting citizens as individuals; "civil rights"; "civil liberty"; "civic duties"; "civic pride".
CIVIL, adjective. (of divisions of time) legally recognized in ordinary affairs of life; "the civil calendar"; "a civil day begins at mean midnight".
CIVIL, adjective. Of or in a condition of social order; "civil peoples".
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