Associations to the word «English»
- Cricketer
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- Translation
- Portuguese
- Dutch
- Hindi
- Welsh
- Footballer
- Irish
- Hebrew
- Mandarin
- Dictionary
- Lingua
- Italian
- Proficiency
- Language
- Tamil
- Pronunciation
- Churchman
- Dramatist
- Danish
- Finnish
- Ancestry
- Swedish
- Yiddish
- Antiquary
- Scottish
- Math
- German
- Latin
- Lexicon
- Learner
- Chaucer
- Turkish
- Malay
- Clergyman
- Idiom
- Translator
- Engraver
- Japanese
- Novelist
- Norwegian
- Chinese
- Korean
- Croatian
- Scot
- Essayist
- Philology
- Accent
- Vocabulary
- Orthography
- Dialect
- Phoneme
- Sanskrit
- Dub
- Saxon
- Grammar
- Playwright
- Barrister
- Spelling
- Phonology
- Bede
- Immersion
- Literature
- Anglo
- Poet
- Englishmen
- Kannada
- Botanist
- Calais
- Pronoun
- Nobleman
- Linguistics
ENGLISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to England or its people.
ENGLISH, adjective. English-language; of or pertaining to the English language.
ENGLISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to an Englishman (or Englishwoman).
ENGLISH, adjective. Of or pertaining to the avoirdupois system of measure.
ENGLISH, adjective. (Amish) Non-Amish.
ENGLISH, proper noun. (collective plural) The people of England; Englishmen and Englishwomen.
ENGLISH, proper noun. The language originating in England but now spoken in all parts of the British Isles, the Commonwealth of Nations, North America, and other parts of the world.
ENGLISH, proper noun. (Amish) (collective plural) The non-Amish; non-Amish people.
ENGLISH, proper noun. A surname.
ENGLISH, noun. One's ability to employ the English language correctly.
ENGLISH, noun. The English-language term or expression for something.
ENGLISH, noun. Specific language or wording; a text or statements in speech, whether a translation or otherwise.
ENGLISH, noun. (countable) A regional type of spoken and or written English; a dialect.
ENGLISH, noun. (printing) (dated) The size of type between pica and great primer, standardized as 14-point.
ENGLISH, noun. (North American) Spin or side given to a ball, especially in pool or billiards.
ENGLISH, verb. (transitive) (archaic) To translate, adapt or render into English.
ENGLISH, noun. (US) Spinning or rotary motion given to a ball around the vertical axis, as in billiards or bowling.
ENGLISH BILLIARDS, noun. A hybrid form of carom and pocket billiards played on a billiard table, for two players or teams.
ENGLISH BLUEBELL, proper noun. The form of bluebell native to the British Isles, where it flowers in spring giving broad carpets of blue in many woods.
ENGLISH BOND, noun. (masonry) In bricklaying, an arrangement of bricks such that one course has the short sides of the bricks (headers) facing outwards, and the next course has the long sides of the bricks (stretchers) facing outwards.
ENGLISH BONDS, noun. Plural of English bond
ENGLISH CAMOMILE, noun. Alternative form of English chamomile
ENGLISH CANADA, proper noun. English-speaking (English-language) Canada.
ENGLISH CANADA, proper noun. English Canadians (collectively).
ENGLISH CARRIER, noun. Columba livia domestica, an old breed of fancy pigeon (with huge beak wattles and eye ceres, similar to the Barb and Dragoon), developed in England and Scotland from ancestors imported from the Middle East.
ENGLISH CARRIERS, noun. Plural of English Carrier
ENGLISH CHAMOMILE, noun. Chamaemelum nobile, one of the two species of plants most commonly known as camomile.
ENGLISH CHANNEL, proper noun. The arm of the Atlantic Ocean that separates the island of Great Britain from northern France, and joins the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.
ENGLISH CHOLERA, noun. (archaic) Any of various stomach ailments accompanied by diarrhea.
ENGLISH COVENANTS, noun. (legal) In the law of real property, a set of six traditional covenants of title made by the seller of a parcel of land to the buyer of that parcel.
ENGLISH DISEASE, noun. Football (soccer) hooliganism
ENGLISH DISEASE, noun. Depression or hypochondria
ENGLISH DISEASE, noun. Sweating sickness
ENGLISH DISEASE, noun. Rickets
ENGLISH ENGLISH, proper noun. A dialect of the English language that is spoken mostly in England. Compare British English.
ENGLISH FEVER, noun. (idiomatic) Preoccupation or obsession with learning or promoting the learning of the English language.
ENGLISH HORN, noun. (music) a woodwind instrument similar to an oboe, but larger and pitched a fifth lower
ENGLISH HORNIST, noun. Someone who plays the English horn (cor anglais).
ENGLISH HORNISTS, noun. Plural of English hornist
ENGLISH HORNS, noun. Plural of English horn
ENGLISH LAVENDER, noun. Common lavender, Lavandula angustifolia
ENGLISH MERCURY, noun. Good King Henry, Blitum bonus-henricus
ENGLISH MIDLANDS, proper noun. A culturally distinct region in the centre of England
ENGLISH MUFFIN, noun. (North America) a flat, round, yeast-leavened form of bread
ENGLISH MUFFINS, noun. Plural of English muffin
ENGLISH OAK, noun. (countable) (uncountable) A tree of the species Quercus robur, native to most of Europe, and to Anatolia to the Caucasus, and also to parts of North Africa.
ENGLISH OAK, noun. (uncountable) Wood from such tree.
ENGLISH OPENING, noun. A chess opening in which white begins by playing 1.c4, moving his queen bishop's pawn to the fourth rank.
ENGLISH PALE, noun. (now historical) The town of Calais and its surroundings under English rule, from 1347 to 1558. [from 15th c.]
ENGLISH PALE, noun. (now historical) The parts of Ireland under English jurisdiction. [from 16th c.]
ENGLISH PARTRIDGE, noun. (UK) the grey partridge.
ENGLISH PLUS, noun. A movement or idea used to encourage English only speakers to learn other languages.
ENGLISH ROSE, noun. An Englishwoman of fine and delicate beauty, akin to that of a rose.
ENGLISH ROSE, noun. Any rose thought to be typical of an English country garden.
ENGLISH ROSES, noun. Plural of English rose
ENGLISH SADDLE, noun. Any of several saddles which, unlike a Western saddle, does not have a horn, but has padded panels so does not need a separate saddle blanket
ENGLISH SADDLES, noun. Plural of English saddle
ENGLISH SHEPHERD, noun. A working dog breed related to the collies, originating in the United States.
ENGLISH SHEPHERD, noun. A dog of this breed.
ENGLISH SONNET, noun. A Shakespearean sonnet
ENGLISH SONNETS, noun. Plural of English sonnet
ENGLISH SPARROW, noun. A very common small bird of the species Passer domesticus.
ENGLISH STRONG ALE, noun. An ale brewed to over 5% ABV that uses malt barley. It is brewed in England and also in America.
ENGLISH STUDIES, noun. (humanities) An academic discipline that includes the study of literatures written in the English language, English linguistics, and English sociolinguistics.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) Hypocrisy.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) Vacuous, base, and tedious moralism.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) Snobbishness; sentimental royalism; idealistic love of class and aristocracy.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) A pathologically casual manner and complacency in the face of corruption.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) Sadomasochistic sexual practices.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) The practice of indulging in an extramarital affair that resembles a second household.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) Homosexuality.
ENGLISH VICE, proper noun. (may be offensive and/or derogatory) Oppression of a country’s poor.
ENGLISH WHEEL, noun. A manually-operated metalworking apparatus used to form smooth, compound curves from flat sheets of metal.
ENGLISH WHEELS, noun. Plural of English wheel
Dictionary definition
ENGLISH, noun. An Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch; the official language of Britain and the United States and most of the commonwealth countries.
ENGLISH, noun. The people of England.
ENGLISH, noun. The discipline that studies the English language and literature.
ENGLISH, noun. (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a sharp twist.
ENGLISH, adjective. Of or relating to or characteristic of England or its culture or people; "English history"; "the English landed aristocracy"; "English literature".
ENGLISH, adjective. Of or relating to the English language.
Wise words
The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of because words
diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem
timeless when they are in your head to no more than living
size when they are brought out.