Associations to the word «On»
- October
- Airing
- Nectar
- Branding
- Contract
- March
- Cassette
- May
- Crustacean
- Functionality
- Qu
- Berwick
- Housemate
- Mandolin
- Sofa
- Newark
- Vinyl
- Screen
- Percussion
- Treatise
- Handicap
- Sax
- Footing
- Banjo
- Protester
- Militant
- Duty
- Anniversary
- Hudson
- Candidacy
- Warwickshire
- Convoy
- Guitar
- Newscast
- Vocal
- Qc
- Demand
- Eviction
- Pedestal
- Invertebrate
- Tag
- Gunman
- Takeoff
- Rematch
- Shutout
- Harrow
- Ska
- Dependence
- Couch
- Testament
- Saxophone
- Drum
Pictures for the word «On»
ON, adjective. In the state of being active, functioning or operating.
ON, adjective. Performing according to schedule.
ON, adjective. (UK) (informal) Acceptable, appropriate.
ON, adjective. (informal) Destined, normally in the context of a challenge being accepted; involved, doomed.
ON, adjective. (baseball) (informal) Having reached a base as a runner and being positioned there, awaiting further action from a subsequent batter.
ON, adjective. (euphemistic) menstruating
ON, adverb. To an operating state.
ON, adverb. Along, forwards (continuing an action).
ON, adverb. In continuation, at length.
ON, adverb. (cricket) In, or towards the half of the field on the same side as the batsman's legs; the left side for a right-handed batsman; leg.
ON, adverb. (not US) Later.
ON, preposition. Positioned at the upper surface of, touching from above.
ON, preposition. At or near; adjacent to.
ON, preposition. Covering.
ON, preposition. At the date of.
ON, preposition. Some time during the day of.
ON, preposition. Dealing with the subject of, about, or concerning something.
ON, preposition. Touching; hanging from.
ON, preposition. (informal) In the possession of.
ON, preposition. Because of, or due to.
ON, preposition. Immediately after.
ON, preposition. Paid for by.
ON, preposition. Used to indicate a means or medium.
ON, preposition. Indicating a means of subsistence.
ON, preposition. Away or occupied with (e.g. a scheduled activity).
ON, preposition. Denoting performance or action by contact with the surface, upper part, or outside of anything; hence, by means of; with.
ON, preposition. Regularly taking (a drug).
ON, preposition. Under the influence of (a drug).
ON, preposition. (mathematics) Having identical domain and codomain.
ON, preposition. (mathematics) Having \(V^n\) as domain and V as codomain, for some set V and integer n.
ON, preposition. (mathematics) Generated by.
ON, preposition. Supported by (the specified part of itself).
ON, preposition. At a given time after the start of something; at.
ON, preposition. In addition to; besides; indicating multiplication or succession in a series.
ON, preposition. (obsolete) of
ON, preposition. Indicating dependence or reliance; with confidence in.
ON, preposition. Toward; for; indicating the object of an emotion.
ON, preposition. (obsolete) At the peril of, or for the safety of.
ON, preposition. In the service of; connected with; of the number of.
ON, preposition. By virtue of; with the pledge of.
ON, preposition. To the account of; denoting imprecation or invocation, or coming to, falling, or resting upon.
ON, verb. (transitive) (Singapore) To switch on.
ON, preposition. (UK dialectal) (Scotland) Without.
ON, abbreviation. Ontario, a province of Canada.
ON A DIME, prepositional phrase. (US) Within a very short distance.
ON A FULL STOMACH, adverb. (idiomatic) Directly after eating, after a meal.
ON A GO-SLOW, adjective. (UK) unusually slow.
ON A KICK, adjective. (idiomatic) Having a period of enthusiasm towards some activity.
ON A LOSING WICKET, adjective. (idiomatic) in a no-win situation.
ON A NEED-TO-KNOW BASIS, adverb. (of the giving of information) remaining secret or hidden until it is needed to be known (by a particular party).
ON A PAIR, adjective. (cricket) Describing the status of a batsman who has made a duck in the first innings, and is yet to score in the second.
ON A PAR, adjective. On a level; in the same condition, circumstances, position, rank, etc.; equal.
ON A PINCH, adverb. Archaic form of at a pinch.
ON A REGULAR BASIS, adverb. (idiomatic) Regularly; occurring in regular time intervals or patterns.
ON A ROLL, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Having a streak of good luck or good progress or success.
ON A SHOESTRING, adverb. (idiomatic) On a very tight budget; with few resources or little money.
ON A SIXPENCE, adverb. (British) Within a very short distance.
ON A STICK, adjective. (humorous) Skewered through the middle and served individually, in many cases warm, as a hot dog. Often parodied as being done to everything at state fairs in Iowa.
ON A SUDDEN, adverb. (obsolete) all of a sudden; suddenly
ON A TEAR, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Engaged in a continuous, fast-paced procession of actions or events, especially with favorable results.
ON A TEAR, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) In or into a protracted state of agitation, fury, or zeal.
ON A WHIM, adverb. (idiomatic) done without thinking seriously about the consequences.
ON ABOUT, adjective. (idiomatic) (informal) Speaking about, talking of.
ON ACCIDENT, adverb. Accidentally; not intentionally; because of error, misfortune, or lack of caution.
ON ACCOUNT, adjective. As something to be reckoned up as part of final payments; on credit.
ON ACCOUNT, conjunction. (colloquial) On account of the fact that; because.
ON ACCOUNT OF, preposition. (idiomatic) Because of, due to, owing to.
ON ACCOUNT OF, preposition. (idiomatic) For the sake of.
ON ACCOUNT OF, preposition. (regional) (idiomatic) Because.
ON ACCOUNT OF, conjunction. (US) (colloquial) On account of the fact that: because, since.
ON ACID, adjective. (idiomatic) (informal) Exaggerated, bizarre or unpredictable.
ON AIR, prepositional phrase. Used other than as an idiom: see on, air.
ON AIR, prepositional phrase. (broadcasting) Transmitting live.
ON AIR, prepositional phrase. Smoothly; gracefully.
ON AIR, prepositional phrase. Happily.
ON AIR, prepositional phrase. (bridge) (of a trick) Won with a high card though capturing only small cards.
ON ALL FOURS, adjective. (idiomatic) On one's hands and knees.
ON ALL FOURS, adjective. (idiomatic) (often followed by "with") Similar in nature or effect to something else; consistent.
ON ALL FOURS, adverb. (idiomatic) On one's hands and knees.
ON ALL FOURS, adverb. (idiomatic) (often followed by "with") In a manner which is similar in nature or effect to something else; consistently.
ON ALL-FOURS, adjective. Alternative spelling of on all fours
ON ALL-FOURS, adverb. Alternative spelling of on all fours
ON AN IRREGULAR BASIS, adverb. (idiomatic) Irregularly, occurring in irregular time intervals or patterns.
ON AND OFF, adverb. (idiomatic) Intermittently.
ON AND ON, adverb. (idiomatic) continuously
ON AVERAGE, adverb. (idiomatic) Usually, typically; as a rule; as often as not.
ON BACKGROUND, prepositional phrase. With the understanding that the information is not to be attributed to a specific source or quoted.
ON BALANCE, adverb. Overall, when all factors are taken into account.
ON BASE, prepositional phrase. (baseball) Having reached a base in an inning.
ON BEHALF OF, preposition. Speaking or acting for.
ON BENDED KNEE, adverb. In a kneeling position.
ON BENDED KNEE, adverb. (by extension) supplicatingly, imploringly
ON BOARD, adjective. (idiomatic) On or in a means of transportation.
ON BOARD, adjective. (idiomatic) Joining in or participating.
ON BOARD, adjective. (idiomatic) Agreeing or supporting.
ON BOARD, adverb. On a vehicle or vessel; aboard
ON CALL, prepositional phrase. Available when requested.
ON CAMERA, adverb. Being in the viewing range of the video camera while it is recording
ON CLOUD NINE, adjective. (idiomatic) In a state of elation; very happy; blissful.
ON CONDITION, prepositional phrase. (following by a clause) Providing.
ON CONDITION, prepositional phrase. (followed by of and, often, a present participle) With the requirement (of).
ON CONDITION, prepositional phrase. (operations) (maintenance) When testing or inspection finds an indication of a potential problem.
ON COURSE, adverb. (idiomatic) Proceeding smoothly as planned.
ON DECK, adjective. On the deck of a ship, especially of a captain or officer; in charge.
ON DECK, adjective. (baseball) The batter that will be up next, typically when that player is waiting on the field.
ON DECK CIRCLE, noun. (baseball) The circle drawn or painted on the field where the next batter to hit waits.
ON DECK CIRCLES, noun. Plural of on deck circle
ON DEMAND, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) When needed or required.
ON DIT, noun. A flying report; rumour.
ON DITS, noun. Plural of on dit
ON DRIVE, noun. (cricket) a type of batsman's shot played by swinging the bat vertically and hitting the ball along the ground in the direction of mid on.
ON DRIVE, verb. To play such a shot
ON DUTY, prepositional phrase. Actively engaged in an assigned task, duty or occupation.
ON EARTH, adverb. Expletive used for emphasis after an interrogative word.
ON EARTH, adverb. Alternative spelling of on earth
ON EDGE, adjective. (idiomatic) Tense, nervous or irritable.
ON END, adverb. (idiomatic) remarkably long; continuously
ON END, adverb. Upright; erect; endways
ON FILE, prepositional phrase. In a file, as a file folder; available for reference.
ON FILE, prepositional phrase. Duly submitted and accepted.
ON FIRE, prepositional phrase. Being burned by fire.
ON FIRE, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Achieving good results at a rapid rate.
ON FIRECALL, adverb. On-call, with regard to a firefighter or unit.
ON FIRST NAME TERMS, adjective. Familiar with someone, such that one can address that person by his or her first name.
ON FIRST NAME TERMS, adjective. (by extension) (humorous) in regular contact with a person or organisation.
ON FLEEK, adjective. (slang) (of eyebrows or hair) Sleek and perfectly groomed or styled.
ON FLEEK, adjective. (slang) (of an article of clothing or outfit) Stylish and perfectly chosen or put together.
ON FLEEK, adjective. (slang) Perfect; spot on; flawless.
ON FOOT, prepositional phrase. Walking, jogging or running but not in a vehicle or on the back of an animal
ON FOOT, prepositional phrase. (of a person) Traveling without a vehicle.
ON GOOD TERMS WITH, adjective. (idiomatic) Friendly towards; having good relations with.
ON GUARD, adjective. (fencing) The starting position of a fencing bout; en garde.
ON GUARD, adjective. Vigilant, alert
ON HAND, adverb. (idiomatic) Available; ready; in stock.
ON HEAT, adjective. In estrus; receptive to mating
ON HIGH, adverb. (idiomatic) In the sky or the heavens.
ON HIGH, adverb. (idiomatic) In authority.
ON HOLD, adjective. (idiomatic) Delayed; postponed; suspended.
ON HOLD, adjective. Waiting on a telephone call.
ON HOLD, adjective. On reserve; being held for someone.
ON HOLD, adjective. Pertaining to a telephone hold state.
ON ICE, adjective. (of an entertainment normally performed on the stage) performed by ice skaters as an ice show
ON ICE, adjective. (idiomatic) not being used, or not to be used e.g.
ON IMPULSE, adverb. Without thinking; spontaneously, impulsively
ON IN YEARS, adjective. (idiomatic) (mildly euphemistic) Old; advanced in age.
ON IT, prepositional phrase. (informal) Actively doing something, or working to solve a (specified) problem.
ON ITS MERITS, adverb. (idiomatic) Considering only intrinsic good points and bad points, without prejudice or other considerations, such as procedural ones.
ON LEG, adverb. (Ulster) out of bed, up
ON LINE, prepositional phrase. (US) (chiefly New York City) On a queue; waiting one's turn for something.
ON LOAN, adjective. Loaned or lent
ON MESSAGE, adverb. (obsolete) On an errand.
ON MESSAGE, adverb. (colloquial) (politics) Alternative spelling of on-message
ON MESSAGE, adjective. (obsolete) On an errand.
ON MESSAGE, adjective. (colloquial) (politics) Alternative spelling of on-message
ON NO ACCOUNT, adverb. (idiomatic) Under no circumstances.
ON NODDING TERMS, prepositional phrase. Having a relationship which is not close or fully developed (with someone).
ON OCCASION, adverb. Occasionally, from time to time, now and then
ON OFFER, prepositional phrase. (British) For sale at a reduced price.
ON OFFER, prepositional phrase. (UK) Available to take; at hand; being offered or to be offered.
ON ONE HAND, prepositional phrase. Alternative form of on the one hand
ON ONE'S BILL, adjective. (idiomatic) (Northern England) Alone, on one's own.
ON ONE'S DEATHBED, adjective. (idiomatic) Close to death.
ON ONE'S FEET, adjective. Standing up.
ON ONE'S FEET, adjective. (idiomatic) Able to stand; hence, healthy, well, especially after some previous illness.
ON ONE'S FEET, adjective. (idiomatic) In a satisfactory (non-physical) condition; happy financially, emotionally etc.
ON ONE'S GUARD, prepositional phrase. In a watchful state; alert; vigilant.
ON ONE'S HANDS, adjective. (idiomatic) Being one's liability or responsibility; with which one is lumbered.
ON ONE'S HEAD, adjective. Assumed or borne, as a responsibility or something blameworthy.
ON ONE'S HEAD, adjective. Assigned by government authorities as a bounty or penalty.
ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE, adjective. (idiomatic) Self-righteous; proceeding on the belief one is more correct or proper than others.
ON ONE'S JACK JONES, prepositional phrase. (Cockney rhyming slang) On one's own; alone.
ON ONE'S KNEES, adjective. Used other than as an idiom.
ON ONE'S KNEES, adjective. (idiomatic) At the mercy of someone.
ON ONE'S LAST LEGS, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) About to die.
ON ONE'S LAST LEGS, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) (by extension) About to lose viability or become defunct.
ON ONE'S LONESOME, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Alone; without aid or accompaniment.
ON ONE'S MIND, adjective. In one's thoughts, especially persistently or recurrently.
ON ONE'S MIND, adjective. Causing worry or preoccupation.
ON ONE'S OWN, adverb. (idiomatic) Alone; by oneself; without the companionship or assistance of others.
ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT, adverb. (idiomatic) On one's own behalf.
ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT, adverb. (idiomatic) By oneself.
ON ONE'S OWN ACCOUNT, adverb. (idiomatic) At one's own risk.
ON ONE'S OWN HOOK, prepositional phrase. (US) (informal) On one's own account or responsibility; by oneself.
ON ONE'S PLATE, adverb. Used other than as an idiom: see on, plate.
ON ONE'S PLATE, adverb. (of one or more matters of concern) To be dealt with or handled.
ON ONE'S TOD, adjective. (idiomatic) (chiefly Northern England) on one's own, alone
ON ONE'S TOES, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) attentive, active, busy or alert.
ON ONE'S UPPERS, prepositional phrase. Destitute; poor.
ON ONE'S WATCH, adverb. (chiefly US) (idiomatic) During the period of time when one is in a position of authority or responsibility.
ON ONE'S WAY, adjective. In the direct route that one intends to travel.
ON ONE'S WAY, adjective. Leaving; going about one's business/
ON OPPOSITE SIDES OF THE BARRICADES, adjective. (idiomatic) Of starkly different, opposite views on an issue.
ON OR ABOUT, preposition. Approximately.
ON PAIN OF, adverb. Subject to the punishment or circumstance of.
ON PAPER, prepositional phrase. Used other than as an idiom: see on, paper.
ON PAPER, prepositional phrase. (figuratively) Based on debatable inference; in theory.
ON PAR, adjective. Alternative form of on a par
ON PINS AND NEEDLES, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Feeling sharp anticipation or anxiety; in a state of suspense.
ON POINT, adjective. (chiefly US) (legal) (philosophy) Having a direct application to the case or topic under consideration.
ON POINT, adjective. (chiefly military) Having taken point; responsible for leading an operation; more generally, deployed and alert.
ON PUMP, prepositional phrase. (US) (Nebraska) On credit; with payment delayed until later.
ON PURPOSE, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) With purpose; intentionally; purposely.
ON RECORD, prepositional phrase. Having one's statement published.
ON RECORD, prepositional phrase. Being published.
ON REPORT, prepositional phrase. Facing formal disciplinary action.
ON ROUTE, adjective. Misspelling of en route.
ON SALE, prepositional phrase. (British) Available for purchase.
ON SALE, prepositional phrase. (US) Available for purchase at reduced prices.
ON SCHEDULE, prepositional phrase. On time, at the scheduled time.
ON SCHEDULE, prepositional phrase. As if on schedule, at the appropriate or expected time.
ON SECOND THOUGHT, adverb. (US) (idiomatic) After reconsidering; on further consideration.
ON SECOND THOUGHTS, adverb. (UK) Alternative form of on second thought
ON SERVE, adjective. (tennis) With each player or pairing having won the same number of games as they have served.
ON SIDE, noun. (cricket) The leg side.
ON SIGHT, adverb. (idiomatic) Immediately when sighted.
ON SIGHT, adverb. (by extension) Immediately something has come to one's attention.
ON SIGHT, noun. (climbing) An ascent of a route without falling, having been advised on it or having seen it.
ON SITE, adjective. Occurring at the site of a job, or at the location of the customer of a product or service, as opposed to at the vendor's factory or office.
ON SOMEONE'S ACCOUNT, adverb. (idiomatic) For someone's sake.
ON SONG, adjective. (predicative use) (UK) playing or performing well
ON SPEAKING TERMS, prepositional phrase. Slightly acquainted, allowing for the exchange of salutations and general remarks.
ON SPEC, adverb. In hope of success, using one's best guess
ON SPEC, adverb. (colloquial) (business) (of creating a work) With the hope of selling it, as opposed to on commission (for hire).
ON STEROIDS, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) (informal) (usually after the name of a place or thing), to a greater degree, exaggerating the characteristics of the previously named object.
ON STRIKE, adjective. (cricket) (of a batsman) Due to face the next delivery from the bowler.
ON STRIKE, adjective. Withholding labour as a protest, in order to effect change in management or government.
ON SUFFERANCE, adverb. (idiomatic) Unwillingly agreed to or barely tolerated.
ON TALKING TERMS, adjective. (idiomatic) able to talk with someone, either in general or about the particular topic
ON TALKING TERMS, adjective. (idiomatic) (figuratively) in agreement or harmony with (something)
ON TALKING TERMS, adjective. (rare) Used other than as an idiom: see on, talking, terms.
ON TAP, adjective. (of beer, etc.) Available directly from the barrel by way of a tap.
ON TAP, adjective. (by extension) Readily available; ready for use.
ON TAP, adjective. On an agenda, planned, expected.
ON TAPE, adjective. Recorded using video- or sound-recording technology.
ON TARGET, prepositional phrase. Accurate, or accurately predicted.
ON TARGET, prepositional phrase. With accuracy.
ON TARGET, prepositional phrase. (sports) (of a shot) Towards the goal.
ON TENDER HOOKS, adjective. (nonstandard) Alternative form of on tenterhooks
ON TENTERHOOKS, adjective. (idiomatic) In a state of suspense or apprehension.
ON THE AIR, prepositional phrase. In the process of recording or broadcasting; a radio station that is transmitting a program; or a particular source of modulation, such as a specific microphone, that is connected.
ON THE AIR, prepositional phrase. Being broadcast.
ON THE ALERT, adjective. Very attentive, or vigilant
ON THE ANVIL, adverb. (idiomatic) In a state of discussion, formation, or preparation; not yet matured.
ON THE BACK BURNER, adjective. (idiomatic) Not immediate; inactive; receiving less than full or regular attention.
ON THE BACK BURNER, adverb. (idiomatic) Not immediately; in a low priority or delayed manner.
ON THE BACK FOOT, adjective. (idiomatic) In a defensive posture; off-balance.
ON THE BACK OF, preposition. (idiomatic) as a result of; after; subsequent to.
ON THE BALL, adjective. (idiomatic) Alert, active, or attentive; on top of things.
ON THE BALL, adjective. (sports) Being in control of the ball.
ON THE BENCH, adjective. Presiding as a judge in a court
ON THE BENCH, adjective. Substituted from a sports event, or waiting to be brought on as a substitute
ON THE BIAS, adverb. Describing the method of cutting fabric diagonally across the grain (so as to make the clothing cling to the body)
ON THE BLANKET, adjective. (historical) (UK) (Ireland) Wearing a blanket instead of prison clothes (as a protest by political prisoners who wanted to distinguish themselves from criminals).
ON THE BLINK, adjective. (idiomatic) functioning erratically, malfunctioning; not working or not working well. Usually refers to a mechanical or electrical device.
ON THE BOOKS, adjective. (business) (accounting) Officially recorded in an organization's financial records.
ON THE BOOKS, adjective. (legal) Officially recorded in the lawbooks; having the force of enacted law.
ON THE BOUNCE, adjective. (British) (idiomatic) (informal) (chiefly sports) consecutively, in succession
ON THE BRAIN, adjective. (idiomatic) Obsessively in mind.
ON THE BRINK, adjective. (idiomatic) Very nearly; imminent; close.
ON THE BUBBLE, adjective. (motor racing) Holding the last qualifying position with qualification still in progress, and thus liable to lose that position.
ON THE BUBBLE, adjective. (sports) Having qualification for an event depend on the upcoming performances of other competitors.
ON THE BUBBLE, adjective. (idiomatic) Uncertain of success.
ON THE BUTTON, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Exactly, precisely.
ON THE CARDS, adjective. (idiomatic) Likely to occur, probable.
ON THE CARPET, prepositional phrase. Being reprimanded or carpeted.
ON THE CARPET, prepositional phrase. Under consideration; being the subject of deliberation.
ON THE CHEAP, adverb. (idiomatic) Economically, especially if too economically.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (literally) Displayed on the dial of a clock (timepiece).
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (idiomatic) Working at one's job; occupied in some manner during one's hours of remunerated employment.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (idiomatic) Of a taxicab, engaged for hire; displayed numerically as time or fare on the meter of a taxicab.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (sports) In the official time remaining in a game or other sporting event.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (sports) In the official time expired in a game or other sporting event.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (chiefly sports drafts) Under scrutiny due to having to make a decision or produce results within a set period of time.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. (of a motor vehicle) Displayed numerically on the mileage or kilometric gauge.
ON THE CLOCK, adjective. Remunerated per unit of time.
ON THE CLOCK, adverb. (idiomatic) During one's official working hours; in or into a position of remunerated employment.
ON THE CLUB, adjective. (UK) (slang) Temporarily away from work, usually due to sickness, supported by sickness benefit.
ON THE COME, adverb. (poker) Betting on cards that may come in the future.
ON THE COME, adverb. (business) For compensation based on future success.
ON THE CONTRARY, adverb. (conjunctive) opposite of what had earlier been expected or assumed
ON THE CROSS, prepositional phrase. Dishonestly
ON THE CUFF, adjective. (chiefly US) (idiomatic) On credit, with payment to be made later.
ON THE CUTTING ROOM FLOOR, adjective. (idiomatic) Not included in the finalized version of something; deliberately rejected or unintentionally overlooked.
ON THE DEFENSIVE, prepositional phrase. Prepared to defend or protect against criticism, attack or aggression.
ON THE DOCKET, prepositional phrase. In hand; under consideration, or in process of execution or performance
ON THE DOT, adverb. (idiomatic) exactly; precisely, especially of a numerical quantity
ON THE DOUBLE, adverb. (idiomatic) Rapidly or immediately.
ON THE DOWN-LOW, adverb. (US) (idiomatic) (slang) (euphemistic) In secret.
ON THE DOWN-LOW, adverb. (US) (idiomatic) (slang) (euphemistic) Secretly sleeping with someone other than one's partner.
ON THE DOWN-LOW, adverb. (AAVE) (LGBT) (of a male) Publicly identifying as heterosexual but secretly having sex with other men.
ON THE EARIE, prepositional phrase. (slang) Listening or eavesdropping; staying alert for news.
ON THE EDGE OF ONE'S SEAT, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) In suspense; waiting eagerly or anxiously for some resolution.
ON THE FACE OF, adverb. (idiomatic) Notwithstanding.
ON THE FACE OF IT, adverb. (idiomatic) Apparently; as far as can be seen or determined.
ON THE FENCE, adjective. (idiomatic) undecided; wavering in one's opinion
ON THE FENCE, adjective. Used other than as an idiom: see on, the, fence.
ON THE FLIP-SIDE, adverb. On the other hand, conversely
ON THE FLOOR, adjective. Used other than as an idiom: see on, floor.
ON THE FLOOR, adjective. (US) (automotive) Mounted on the floor of an automobile
ON THE FLY, adverb. (baseball) (of the ball) Without a bounce.
ON THE FLY, adverb. (idiomatic) Spontaneously or extemporaneously; done as one goes, or during another activity.
ON THE FRITZ, prepositional phrase. (of electrical or mechanical appliances) Out of order; malfunctioning; broken.
ON THE FRONT FOOT, adverb. (idiomatic) In a dominant position.
ON THE GAME, adjective. (idiomatic) (slang) (euphemistic) Working as a prostitute.
ON THE GO, adjective. (idiomatic) Actively traveling; busy; moving often.
ON THE GO, adjective. Being started.
ON THE GRIPPING HAND, adverb. (fandom slang) (sequence) (idiomatic) from a third point of view
ON THE GROUND, adjective. On the spot, in situ
ON THE HALF HOUR, adverb. Happening hourly, but at 30 minutes past each hour; ie, 08:30, 09:30 etc.
ON THE HEELS OF, preposition. (idiomatic) In close pursuit of; close behind.
ON THE HEELS OF, preposition. (idiomatic) (of events, facts, etc.) Closely following; in succession immediately after.
ON THE HOOF, adjective. (of cattle) that has not yet been butchered
ON THE HOOF, adverb. (of a human activity) (such as eating) whilst standing
ON THE HOOK, adjective. (idiomatic) (often followed by for) In debt; obligated to pay or provide; liable; responsible or blamed.
ON THE HOP, adjective. (idiomatic) (Ireland) Playing truant from school.
ON THE HORN, adjective. (idiomatic) On the telephone.
ON THE HOUR, adverb. Hourly, beginning at the start of each hour.
ON THE HOUSE, adjective. (idiomatic) (of a good or service) free, complimentary
ON THE HUSH-HUSH, adverb. (idiomatic) secretly; in secret
ON THE JAR, adverb. (dated) ajar
ON THE JOB, adjective. Working, busy
ON THE JOB, adjective. (slang) Having sex
ON THE LADDER, adjective. (idiomatic) (British) On a property ladder, owning property.
ON THE LAM, adjective. Running away, usually from the police; on the run.
ON THE LATCH, adjective. (of a door) closed but not locked; may be opened by operating the latch
ON THE LEVEL, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Honest(ly), sincere(ly), straightforward(ly), fair(ly).
ON THE LINE, adjective. On a level with the eye of the observer, as of a picture hung in on a wall.
ON THE LINE, adjective. (idiomatic) At risk, as in a contest or enterprise.
ON THE LINE, adverb. Currently calling on the telephone.
ON THE LINE, adverb. (sports) On one of the lines marked on a playing field or court and, hence, in bounds.
ON THE LOOKOUT, adjective. Constantly alert, intent on finding something or someone.
ON THE LOOSE, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Not incarcerated or in captivity; not under control.
ON THE MAKE, adjective. (idiomatic) Actively seeking a romantic encounter or relationship.
ON THE MAKE, adjective. (idiomatic) (by extension) Actively seeking an opportunity for self-advancement; eager to ingratiate oneself to others in order to secure some advantage.
ON THE MARKET, adjective. Offered for sale.
ON THE MARKET, adjective. During a real estate auction: going to be sold at that auction, ie. the bid has reached the vendor's reserve. (The general sense above of offered for sale is also used with real estate.)
ON THE MEND, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) (of persons and their health) Healing or recovering, as from an injury or illness.
ON THE MEND, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) (of situations or things) Improving or undergoing restoration to a previous, more favorable condition.
ON THE MENDING HAND, prepositional phrase. Convalescent; improving in health
ON THE MONEY, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) In the correct position; on target; precisely accurate; accurately.
ON THE MOVE, adjective. Changing location; in motion
ON THE NAIL, adverb. (British) immediately, without delay
ON THE NOSE, adjective. Used other than as an idiom: see on, nose.
ON THE NOSE, adjective. (idiomatic) Exact; precise; appropriate.
ON THE NOSE, adjective. (idiomatic) Unimaginative; over-literal; lacking nuance.
ON THE NOSE, adjective. (slang) (Australia) Smelly, malodorous; often used figuratively.
ON THE ONE HAND, adverb. (sequence) (idiomatic) from one point of view
ON THE ORDER OF, adverb. (often followed by a number) Approximately.
ON THE ORDER OF, preposition. In the manner of; along the lines of; like; of a similar kind to; more-or-less equivalent to.
ON THE OTHER HAND, adverb. (sequence) (idiomatic) from another point of view
ON THE OUTS, prepositional phrase. (chiefly US) (idiomatic) On unfriendly terms; estranged.
ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKING IN, prepositional phrase. Alternative form of on the outside, looking in
ON THE OUTSIDE, LOOKING IN, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Excluded from a group, process, or opportunity, and feeling downhearted as a result.
ON THE PAT AND MICK, prepositional phrase. (UK) (idiomatic) Sick; out of commission due to being unwell.
ON THE PAT AND MICK, prepositional phrase. Alternative form of on the Pat and Mick
ON THE PILL, adjective. (idiomatic) (of a woman) Using oral contraceptives.
ON THE PISS, adjective. Drinking alcoholic beverages.
ON THE PLUS SIDE, adverb. (idiomatic) Positively; from a favorable view or perspective.
ON THE POINT OF, preposition. (idiomatic) Very nearly; imminent; close.
ON THE PROWL, adjective. (idiomatic) Hunting or seeking.
ON THE PULL, adjective. (British) (slang) seeking the intimate company of a member of the opposite sex
ON THE Q.T., adverb. (idiomatic) Quietly; in a secretive manner; clandestinely.
ON THE Q.T., adverb. Alternative form of on the Q.T.
ON THE QT, adverb. Alternative form of on the Q.T.
ON THE QT, adverb. Alternative form of on the Q.T.
ON THE QUARTER, prepositional phrase. (nautical) In a direction between abeam and astern; opposite, or nearly opposite, a vessel's quarter.
ON THE QUI VIVE, adverb. In a state of heightened vigilance, especially prior to battle
ON THE RADAR, adjective. (idiomatic) Likely to happen, or be important in the near future or tending to attract attention.
ON THE RAG, adjective. (idiomatic) (vulgar) (slang) (euphemistic) Menstruating.
ON THE RAG, adjective. (idiomatic) In a bad mood.
ON THE RAMPAGE, adverb. (idiomatic) behaving violently or to riot
ON THE RECEIVING END, adjective. (idiomatic) being the victim of an unpleasant action
ON THE RECORD, prepositional phrase. Intended or liable to be published.
ON THE RIGHT TRACK, adverb. (idiomatic) Using the correct general approach to a particular task or problem; pursuing something in a promising way.
ON THE RISE, adjective. (idiomatic) rising; becoming greater in number.
ON THE ROAD, prepositional phrase. Used other than as an idiom: see on, the, road.
ON THE ROAD, prepositional phrase. (US) (Canada) (sports) At the venue of an opposing team or competitor.
ON THE ROCKS, adjective. (idiomatic) Poured over ice, usually in reference to alcoholic drinks.
ON THE ROCKS, adjective. (idiomatic) In a bad state, particularly of a romantic relationship.
ON THE ROPES, adjective. (boxing) (professional wrestling) Leaning against the ropes of the boxing ring, as when exhausted and nearing defeat or collapse.
ON THE ROPES, adjective. (idiomatic) (figuratively) Showing signs of imminent failure or collapse.
ON THE RUN, adjective. (idiomatic) Fleeing.
ON THE RUN, adjective. (idiomatic) At a disadvantage; forced to abandon a position.
ON THE RUN, adjective. (idiomatic) Constantly traveling or moving from place to place.
ON THE RUN, adverb. In a very hurried manner, usually while doing another activity.
ON THE SAFE SIDE, prepositional phrase. Taking precautions.
ON THE SAME PAGE, adverb. (idiomatic) In broad agreement or sharing a common general understanding or knowledge (common in office environments).
ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH, adverb. (idiomatic) In rapport or complete accord.
ON THE SHADY SIDE OF, prepositional phrase. On the further side of.
ON THE SHELF, adjective. (idiomatic) Laid aside, unused, abandoned
ON THE SHELF, adjective. (idiomatic) (especially of a woman) unmarried
ON THE SIDE, adjective. Separate from the main course.
ON THE SIDE, adjective. Supplementary or in addition to one's usual job or income.
ON THE SIDE, adjective. Additional, surreptitious; often with a connotation of dishonesty or illegality.
ON THE SIDE OF THE ANGELS, adjective. (idiomatic) Fighting for or supporting that which is good, just, or benevolent.
ON THE SKIDS, adjective. (idiomatic) In decline; going downhill; in trouble.
ON THE SLY, adverb. (idiomatic) Slyly, in an inconspicuous manner, so as not to be seen; secretly; stealthily.
ON THE SPECTRUM, prepositional phrase. (slang) Diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder or exhibiting traits pertaining to or within the autism spectrum.
ON THE SPOT, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) At that very moment; right away.
ON THE SPOT, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) Having to answer or decide without warning or preparation.
ON THE SPOT, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) In a particular place.
ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) On very short notice; unplanned; spontaneously; impromptu.
ON THE SQUARE, adjective. (idiomatic) Honest and open.
ON THE SQUARE, adjective. A discreet, unassuming reference to freemasonry.
ON THE STREET, adverb. (idiomatic) Without a home; without the means to afford good shelter.
ON THE STUMP, prepositional phrase. Campaigning for public office; on the hustings.
ON THE TABLE, prepositional phrase. (politics) Up for formal discussion; tabled.
ON THE TABLE, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) (by extension) Open or available for further attention or action.
ON THE TAKE, adjective. (idiomatic) Corrupt; receiving bribes or other improper payments.
ON THE TAP, adjective. (UK slang) Begging, making requests for loans. [from early 20th c.]
ON THE TAPIS, prepositional phrase. Alternative form of upon the tapis
ON THE TIP OF ONE'S TONGUE, prepositional phrase. Known but not quite remembered
ON THE TOSS OF A COIN, adverb. (idiomatic) Leaving it to pure chance; relying upon a flippant metric.
ON THE TOWN, adjective. (idiomatic) Casually enjoying the nightlife of a town or city.
ON THE TROT, adverb. (idiomatic) successively, in succession; one after the other.
ON THE UP, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) rising; becoming greater in number or magnitude.
ON THE UP, prepositional phrase. (sports) While the ball is rising.
ON THE UP AND UP, adjective. Alternative spelling of on the up-and-up
ON THE UP-AND-UP, adjective. (idiomatic) Legitimate; honest; upright.
ON THE UPTAKE, adverb. (idiomatic) In understanding or in the ability to absorb new information; especially in the phrases "quick on the uptake" and "slow on the uptake".
ON THE VERGE, prepositional phrase. Used other than as an idiom: see on, verge.
ON THE VERGE, prepositional phrase. (followed by of) Almost at the beginning of.
ON THE WAGON, adjective. (idiomatic) Abstaining from drinking any alcoholic drink, usually in the sense of having given it up (as opposed to never having partaken); teetotal.
ON THE WAGON, adjective. By extension, maintaining a program of self-improvement or abstinence from some other undesirable habit.
ON THE WANE, adjective. (idiomatic) in a period of decrease or decline
ON THE WARPATH, adjective. (idiomatic) Very angry or upset.
ON THE WATCH, adjective. On duty as a guard or lookout; vigilant; alert.
ON THE WAY, adjective. (idiomatic) coming, approaching
ON THE WAY, adverb. Whilst travelling.
ON THE WHOLE, adverb. (idiomatic) For the most part; apart from some insignificant details.
ON THE WIND, adverb. (nautical) As close as possible to the direction that the wind is blowing.
ON THE WING, adverb. While flying.
ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY, prepositional phrase. (idiomatic) (usually politics) Having policies or practices that are not progressive or enlightened; behaving in a manner that reflects out-of-date or disapproved opinions.
ON THIN ICE, adjective. (idiomatic) In a dangerous, hazardous, or delicate situation; at risk.
ON TILT, adverb. (poker) Badly, usually overaggressively because of losing hands.
ON TIME, adjective. Punctual or according to schedule.
ON TIME, adverb. Punctually or according to the schedule.
ON TIME, adverb. By installments, payments over a period of time.
ON TIME, adverb. (chess) By a player's running out of time.
ON TIPTOE, adverb. Standing elevated on the tips of one's toes.
ON TIPTOE, adverb. Moving carefully, quietly, warily or stealthily on the tips of one's toes.
ON TO, preposition. Upon; on top of.
ON TO, preposition. (informal) Aware of.
ON TO, preposition. Used to indicate, or signpost, logical progression to a new topic in a talk or discourse.
ON TOP, adverb. (idiomatic) In a dominant position.
ON TOP OF, preposition. Atop
ON TOP OF, preposition. (idiomatic) In addition to something else.
ON TOP OF, preposition. (idiomatic) Fully informed about, and in control of something; up to speed with.
ON TOP OF THAT, adverb. Also, additionally, moreover.
ON TOP OF THE WORLD, adjective. (idiomatic) Delighted; ecstatic; exceptionally pleased, happy, or satisfied.
ON TOW, adjective. Alternative form of in tow
ON TRACK, adjective. (idiomatic) Proceeding as planned, as expected, or in a manner consistent with an established pattern.
ON TRACK, adjective. (idiomatic) On a well-defined promotion path in an organisation, usually tenure.
ON TREND, adjective. Having characteristics which conform to current fashion trends.
ON WATCH, adjective. Alternative form of on the watch
ON WHEELS, adjective. (idiomatic) (postpositive) To a large degree, excessive.
ON WHEELS, adjective. Mobile; able to be moved.
ON WHEELS, adjective. Used other than as an idiom: see on, wheels. (Having wheels affixed to the bottom, and so transportable.)
ON YOUR BIKE, interjection. (British) (slang) Go away.
ON YOUR HORSE, AMIGO, interjection. (military) (slang) How are you?
ON YOUR MARK, interjection. Alternative form of on your marks
ON YOUR MARKS, interjection. Interjection used to start a race, followed by "Get set, go!" or "Set, go!".
Dictionary definition
ON, adverb. With a forward motion; "we drove along admiring the view"; "the horse trotted along at a steady pace"; "the circus traveled on to the next city"; "move along"; "march on".
ON, adverb. Indicates continuity or persistence or concentration; "his spirit lives on"; "shall I read on?".
ON, adverb. In a state required for something to function or be effective; "turn the lights on"; "get a load on".
ON, adjective. In operation or operational; "left the oven on"; "the switch is in the on position".
ON, adjective. (of events) planned or scheduled; "the picnic is on, rain or shine"; "we have nothing on for Friday night".
Wise words
Words are always getting conventionalized to some secondary
meaning. It is one of the works of poetry to take the
truants in custody and bring them back to their right