Associations to the word «Hustle»
- Helmet
- Kings
- Jail
- Shoulder
- Glimpse
- Tourist
- Deck
- Determination
- Escort
- Aide
- Basement
- Can
- Nickname
- Simmons
- Astonishment
- Cooper
- Entrance
- Monster
- Float
- Out
- Eddie
- Happy
- Tent
- Filming
- Peasant
- Abbot
- Duo
- Eve
- Wagon
- Kong
- Cabin
- Junior
- Entertainment
- Heel
- Dressing
- Soldier
- Freestyle
- Surrounding
- Atlanta
- Sight
- Scope
- Dancer
- Porter
- Robot
- Saturday
- Excuse
- Award
- Bag
- Wrestler
- Crash
- Outfit
- Movie
- Get
- Signing
- Starring
- Picard
- Miles
- Hong
- Stephen
- Bow
- Sheep
- Dock
- Craig
- Hang
- Debut
- Waist
HUSTLE, verb. (intransitive) To rush or hurry.
HUSTLE, verb. (transitive) To con or deceive; especially financially.
HUSTLE, verb. (transitive) To bundle, to stow something quickly.
HUSTLE, verb. To dance the hustle, a disco dance.
HUSTLE, verb. To play deliberately badly at a game or sport in an attempt to encourage players to challenge.
HUSTLE, verb. To sell sex, to work as a pimp.
HUSTLE, verb. To be a prostitute, to exchange use of one's body for sexual purposes for money.
HUSTLE, verb. (informal) To put a lot of effort into one's work.
HUSTLE, verb. To push someone roughly, to crowd, to jostle.
HUSTLE, noun. A state of busy activity.
HUSTLE, noun. A type of disco dance.
HUSTLE ALARM, noun. An audible warning, on some trains, that the automatic doors are about to close
HUSTLE AND BUSTLE, noun. A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding.
Dictionary definition
HUSTLE, noun. A swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property.
HUSTLE, noun. A rapid active commotion.
HUSTLE, verb. Cause to move furtively and hurriedly; "The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater".
HUSTLE, verb. Move or cause to move energetically or busily; "The cheerleaders bustled about excitingly before their performance".
HUSTLE, verb. Sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity.
HUSTLE, verb. Get by trying hard; "she hustled a free lunch from the waiter".
HUSTLE, verb. Pressure or urge someone into an action.
Wise words
Where words fail, music speaks.