Associations to the word «Duo»
- Grammy
- Rap
- Hop
- Songwriting
- Electro
- Ghz
- Rapper
- Intel
- Oates
- Dj
- Punk
- Indie
- Trio
- Synth
- Vocalist
- Techno
- Twins
- Cello
- Keyboardist
- Duet
- Cabaret
- Violin
- Eurovision
- Hands
- Comedy
- Bassist
- Pop
- Pianist
- Hip
- Reggae
- Solo
- Brothers
- Bluegrass
- Guitarist
- Trance
- Album
- Collaboration
- Viola
- Dunn
- Quartet
- Recital
- Moniker
- Bassoon
- Quintet
- Songwriter
- Processor
- Cher
- Damsel
- Saxophonist
- Improvisation
- Mb
- Soloist
- Piano
- Drummer
- Daryl
- Pairing
- Collaborator
- Violinist
- Clarinet
- Posse
- Funk
- Vaudeville
- Hiatus
- Debut
- Trois
- Russo
- Studio
- Sonata
- Shankar
- Comedian
- Tag
DUO, noun. A twosome, especially musicians.
DUO, noun. Any cocktail consisting of a spirit and a liqueur.
DUO, proper noun. An unincorporated community in West Virginia
Dictionary definition
DUO, noun. Two items of the same kind.
DUO, noun. Two performers or singers who perform together.
DUO, noun. A pair who associate with one another; "the engaged couple"; "an inseparable twosome".
DUO, noun. A musical composition for two performers.
Wise words
A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there
is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to
take away.