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Associations to the word «Hiatus»


HIATUS, noun. A gap in a series, making it incomplete.
HIATUS, noun. An interruption, break or pause.
HIATUS, noun. An unexpected break from work.
HIATUS, noun. (geology) A gap in geological strata.
HIATUS, noun. (anatomy) An opening in an organ.
HIATUS, noun. (linguistics)
HIATUS, noun. A syllable break between two vowels, without an intervening consonant. (Compare diphthong.)
HIATUS, noun. The condition of having such a break.

Dictionary definition

HIATUS, noun. An interruption in the intensity or amount of something.
HIATUS, noun. A missing piece (as a gap in a manuscript).
HIATUS, noun. A natural opening or perforation through a bone or a membranous structure.

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