Associations to the word «Flavor»


FLAVOR, noun. American spelling standard spelling of flavour.
FLAVOR, verb. American spelling standard spelling of flavour.
FLAVOR ENHANCER, noun. Any substance added to a food product to enhance its taste, especially to make it taste more savoury or to add umami
FLAVOR TEXT, noun. (gaming) Text printed on a card or within the rulebook of a tabletop game which does not effect the game's mechanics, but gives background information on characters, places, etc. to enhance the game's atmosphere.

Dictionary definition

FLAVOR, noun. The general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people; "the feel of the city excited him"; "a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting"; "it had the smell of treason".
FLAVOR, noun. The taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth.
FLAVOR, noun. (physics) the six kinds of quarks.
FLAVOR, verb. Lend flavor to; "Season the chicken breast after roasting it".

Wise words

There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie.